Eẞr°R (Error)

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A/N- Yes error has come not the sans one but error well you'll see anyway enjoy
Smol edit: I got an idea for this from the future Tom mode fnf by someone so credits to them bc I was inspired by them!

Warnings: Some cursing, Abuse? Dat all

Matt's pov: (Yas him first)

I was shook but then Tord pushed me into a room. I could see Tom and tord through the other side because there was glass. I got up and ran toward the glass and started banging on it. Tom came up to it and Tord was behind him. I looked at Tom's 'eyes' and said "TOM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! TORD BRAINWASHED YOU!!" He looked at me a bit concerned and one of his eyes were blue(sad) and the other purple with a question mark (confused). He then said "I was brainwashed..?" I said back "YES HE IS USING YOU!!" I looked at him hoping his memories would come back cause I use to read books and this stuff would happen. Tom came closer and put his hand on the glass and was about to then he looked shocked. I gave a confused look then his goggles or something started glitching and he was screaming in pain (obv). I looked scared and some tears came out of my eyes cause I saw Tord holding a remote of some sort and I think he caused it. Tom then stopped screaming and just stood there with the error screen and it glitched for a moment and I saw it say 'Obey'. I notice Tom twitching a bit, Tord came up to Tom and put his hand on his shoulder and he whispered something into his ear. Of course I couldn't hear anything because they were behind glass. So after Tord finished whatever he was saying Tom left the room. So I got curious on why he left and on what Tord said.., So I said "TORD! What did you tell Tom..?" I said abit worried bc he could do anything he wants with me right now. He smirked and said "You'll see~".

With his big smirk I thought it couldn't be good. But then I heard a door open and Tom was there holding a knocked out Edd. He threw him in and left, and entered the room Tord was in. Edd woke up and said "WHAT THE FUCK!?". I ran up to him and said "EDD!! Tord brainwashed Tom!! " I said tearing up. Edd looked mad knowing why Tom was acting strange. He both got up and got to the glass, I noticed that he noticed that Tom's goggles were glitching. He then said "TORD YOU MOTHERF---ER, HOW COULD YOU TAKE TOM AWAY FROM US!!" He said in a very serious and loud tone. I saw Tom twitch more and Tord just came closer to the glass and smirked. He said "Oh Edd~ You don't know what's coming!~" He said in a very dark kind of tone what he said the 2nd line. I got more nervous but saw a shadow and so did Edd. We turned around and saw a scientist of some sort. They were holding 2 needles and we both panicked and ran away from them. Of course I was glad we were able to train our combat skills before we tried to save Tom, so we could defend ourselves. We heard Tord laughing a bit watching us try to run but then I looked at Tom for a moment cause I was kinda close to the glass. I heard some glitching noises and Tord looked over to him. I saw Tords mouth move but all I could hear was 'Dont worry- will be- under my-'. (For ppl he said 'Dont worry Thomas, Soon they will be under my control') That's all I could make out before the scientist try to stab the needle into me. He or she was so close to doing so I ran over to Edd and said "What do we do!? We can't fend of for long!" I said having a few tears come out of my eyes. He said "We may have to start to attack them then if we need to." I nodded and gave him a look saying 'Attack and I'll help you'. He nodded and ran to the guy or girl and attack, I ran over and also attacked and we knocked whoever the person was. I saw Tord angry that we defeat his scientist, then I saw him look at Tom and he said something to him. Tom left the room again and entered our room. I saw Edd's eyes widened and he said "No.. YOU CANT!" I didn't understand but then realized. He wants us to fight Tom because we can't defeat him and who knows how good he is.. Tom still had his glitching screen but then suddenly his screen was just obey turned a dark red.

Suddenly he was turning to a monster something familiar but couldn't figure out what. Tord said "Meet monster Tom still half human half monster fight now! But you remember him from when.. Oh I don't know~ When he was the big monster when Edd got super powers?~" I now remembered and so did Edd. He was that big monster and he was really powerful.. I started crying and shaking a bit. Tom came running toward us and he ran another direction but then he picked up the needles the knocked out scientist had, he took them out of his or her hand and was ready to eject it into us. He looked at us with a small part of his eye showing because his goggles with kinda falling of you could see one of his eyes which had a purple glow to it. He came toward us again and Edd tried to attack but got knocked into a wall really hard. I was shook and really nervous so I tried to attack and was able to get him to the ground. Until he grabbed my leg and pushed me down, I was pushed down but Tom kneeled and said "Nighty Nighty!". He then ejected the serum into me then I said "Edd!! Get out of here N- Now!!". He was able to leave and hopefully escape but then I blacked out.

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