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So it's been a while, huh? I last updated months ago and for that I can only apologise, but my daughter has taken up all of my time and I need real concentration to write! Anyway she's 4 months old, an actual angel and my whole heart <3 Updating from here on may be sporadic and random as I really can't tell when I'll get some free time, but I will finish this book! Thanks for being patient with me! 

-H xx

"You have forty-eight hours." 

"Are you sure that is what this means?" Mason begged, frantically shaking the piece of paper in the air.

"Y-Yes Sir, I'm quite sure," came the stuttered reply of Mr. Hanson, a literary scholar who studied languages for a living and taught at the primary school part time. 

"Thankyou Mr. Hanson your help is much appreciated by all of the pack." 

"I-is anyone in danger?" He asked feebly. 

"You needn't concern yourself, I have it under control," Mason replied coolly, allowing the puny man to hastily leave the room. He scrunched up the small piece of paper and threw it into the waste paper basket in the corner of the room. 

"Forty eight hours for what?" I asked from my cross-legged position in the middle of Mason's bed. I looked out the window to see the sun beginning to set. There had been people in and out of the room all day, mostly ignoring me for which I was thankful as I was nursing a hangover and my eyes felt like pissholes in the snow. I hadn't slept all night after telling Mason my story and since receiving the letter.

"I don't know," Mason sighed, the defeat beginning to settle in his eyes. He had been sending trackers out all day and they all came back with no information. Whoever sent the letter covered their tracks well and I could see he was exhausted. 

"Maybe it might be a good idea to speak to other packs?" I suggested. 

Mason's eyes brightened briefly at my suggestion, "Ahead of you darling, I've informed Patrick's pack that we have received a threat and there are a couple of packs to the east and south of us that I have notified too. Both Alphas have agreed to give us any information they have, but as for the moment they're just in the dark as us. The pack in the south, run by Alpha Kieran, was completely unaware we had a lone wolf problem. That just shows how skillfully they have been working against us." 

I uncrossed my legs and stretched them out across the duvet before swinging them over the side of the bed and clasping my hands together on my lap. I felt completely useless, just a human girl in the center of a wolf problem and I knew that if it came down to it, I would be hopeless in a fight. 

"Alpha! Alpha!" Came a sudden shout from downstairs. I could thundering feet fly up the stairs and I immediately shot up to my feet in anticipation. Mason's quick reflexes had him fired up in an instant and he stood to alert, carefully positioning his body just in front of my own. A young pack member, no older than eighteen grabbed the jamb of the doorway with his hand and panted to catch his breath. 

"Alpha it's the Luna's mother," He stammered, "Jane went to check on her and she's not at home-" 

"What?" I cried, pushing past Mason to stand in front of the boy. I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me, "What do you know?" 

"I-I was just sent to inform the Alpha, I-I'm sorry I don't know any more!"

Mason placed a calm hand on my shoulder and peeled my fingers from the boy's collar with his free hand. The boy made his escape and quickly ran down the stairs. He pulled me into him for a hug, but I struggled to get out of his grasp, I couldn't think when I was enveloped in his strong scent and as much as I wanted to relax in his hold, I couldn't. Dan had my mum and I had to do something. 

Heidi and the Wolf *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now