uncle finneas takes his phone back, wiping my slobber off the phone before bringing it up to his ear, talking to mommy as he walks into another room.

he calls her billie, but i have to call her mommy.

i watch him walk up the stairs, and i look down at my food.

do i just feed myself then?

i pick up the jar, and the spoon falls out, making a mess on the floor.

i put my hand in the jar, and the jar drops, making all the mango sauce spill on the floor.

i smack my hands on the ground, making the sauce splash everywhere.

i start giggling, finally not as bored as i once was.

after a little bit of playing in it, i star to get bored of it.

i try to wipe my hands if on my clothes, but my hands are still sticky.

so i wipe it off on my face, but it just makes me more sticky. then i wipe my hands in my hair, but it doesn't work.

the mangoes are all over my feet, my legs, my hands, everywhere.

i start crying for mommy, wanting her home now.

i hear the front door open, and i watch mommy laugh with a girl.

she hears me crying and looks over at me. she immediately stops laughing, speed walking over to me.

"oh my goodness, look at this mess!" she exclaims. i see finneas run down the stairs with my bassinet that folds, his eyes going wide.

"finneas why weren't you watching her?!" mommy scolds him.

"i was! i literally left the room for 4 minutes to find her bassinet!" he defends himself.

"are you fucking dumb?! if you leave a room you take her with you!"

i don't like it when mommy yells, it makes me sad.

i start crying more, wanting mommy to give me kisses.

mommy looks over at me, her face softening up. "y/n/n can you take her to the bathroom? i'll be there in a second."

the girl picks me up, bringing me into the bathroom. she sits on the edge of the tub, sitting me in her lap.

i look up at her face. she's pretty like mommy, no wonder mommy likes to kiss her sometimes.

"you're so cute." she smiles down at me, and i smile too.

hey! mommy calls me cute. i like this girl.

mommy comes in with an annoyed look on her face, holding my new pj's and my fluffy towel.

"sorry about that. this wasn't how i planned our day being." mommy says, taking me and starting the bath water.

i have to take a bath? i don't really like taking baths, because mommy has to put water on my head and i don't like that.

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