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~ eden's pov ~
chapter includes: imagine, eden is 9 months old

i look around the living room, feeling bored.

uncle finneas is watching me because mommy said she went on a date with a girl named y/n.

uncle finneas fell asleep on the couch, so now i'm sitting on the living room floor, with no one to play with me.

i look over at the tv, seeing a show mommy put on for me before she left. it's boring anyways, i don't care if wheels on buses go round and round, i want mommy.

i'm a bit hungry, uncle finneas gave me cereal puffs a little bit ago, but i want real food.

i crawl out of the living room, into the kitchen.

i wonder if there's anything in here for me? this is where the grown ups go when they're hungry.

the closet door is open, so i crawl in, seeing shelves full of grown up food.

i try standing, almost falling over. i catch my balance, holding onto the shelf for support.

i grab for some food, but i feel someone scoop me up and take me out of the closet.

"let's not go in there." i hear uncle finneas say, sitting me back down on the living room floor.

i whine, banging my hands on the hardwood floor.

"you want some mango baby food?" he asks. i start to get excited, mango is my favorite.

mommy gives it to me all the time, she says i need my fruits and vegetables to grow like she is.

he sits on the floor in front of me, giving me the container of cereal puffs as he stirs my mangos around with my spoon.

i offer him a cereal puff, and he takes it from me with a "thanks."

i see him scoop some mango sauce into the spoon, and i open my mouth wide. he puts the spoon in my mouth, and i eat the yummy stuff.

i try to ask him when mommy will be home, but it doesn't come out in grown up words.

mommy calls it babbling, whenever i try to talk to her, it doesn't sound how mommy sounds.

i have said some grown up words before. like mama, mommy was so excited, but she wasn't so excited when i copied her and said fuck.

i try to talk some more, and i try to use words, so i use the only one i know, mama.

i keep repeating it as uncle finneas kept feeding me.

"your mommy will be home later, you wanna call her?"

i don't really know what that means, but anything having to do with mommy is a yes.

uncle finneas starts talking to someone, then gives me his phone, and it has mommy's face on it!

"hi, baby face." mommy says in a happy voice.

i call out her name, and try to tell her that i want some kisses when she gets home. i still can't say words though.

"i'll be home soon, bug. i love you." mommy says, kissing the screen. i put my face up to the phone, trying to give her a kiss back.

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