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I walked through a village beside someone. A strong woman with long blonde hair tied in braids. She walked with power and I felt proud to be by her side. Torvi.

Torvi was like a mother to me. She had found me, abandoned by my family to be a slave but she trained me to be her shield maiden.

From the moment she took me in, it was my duty to be pure and offer myself to Freya when the time was right.

Though to uphold this duty broke my heart and soul everyday. I owed my life to Torvi. I would do anything she asked. But when I looked at Niklaus, her son, the prince of our people, I wished things were different.

He was so handsome and strong as I aloud myself to catch a few glimpses of him as he practiced with Kristian.

My memory turned to my death. As I proudly let the blood spill from my throat. Floki stood before me holding the knife looking at me with the same pride but also pity.

The pity in his eyes brought forth my own tears. Blood spilled from my lips as I spoke my last word. "Nik."

"Soon, Asa." Floki said cryptically as my world went black.

I leapt from the bed clutching my throat. I gasped for air as the remembrance of my throat splitting dissipated.

Niklaus... My heart swelled with an urgency to see him caused me to launch myself out of my bed. I quickly slipped on black leggings and the button up shirt that Niklaus had left behind in my room after we had sex.

I only buttoned a few buttons in my rush to find him. Outside my room, it was quite. I padded down the stairs in search of him needing answers. What was that dream?

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