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The sun peaked into the room waking me from my heavy sleep.

The dream I had was strange. I was in a large space filled with gold, jewelry, furs, and decorative rugs. I was bathed with jasmine oil and dressed in a sacred garb.

I don't remember faces but one. A Viking with red braids and black face paint as he cut my throat. I didn't feel scared. I felt...sad but also had fulfilled a duty.

The bed felt strange besides the gentle musky scent from the linens. I sat up clutching the midnight blue sheets. The room was large with mahogany wood furniture. Definitely not Emily's tiny apartment.

That's when images of last night flashed through my mind. I sucked in a breath and quickly got out of bed. I was still in my romper from last night. I located my shoes by the side of the bed, picking them up, and exited the room.

As I descended the stairs, I could hear someone cooking in the kitchen across the way. I cautiously walked into the kitchen. Kristian stood over the stove tossing something in a pan. He was cooking?

"Breakfast will be ready in just a minute." He said as he grabbed a plate from the shelf.

I stood by the doorway. Remembering him with blood dripping from his lips. I couldn't decide whether to run or accept his hospitality after helping me last night.

He must have noticed my apprehension cause he smiled and placed my plate on the island in front of me. "Sit and eat. I promise I did not poison or chop up the girl from last night and put her in your food. By the way, she is fine. She has been texting me all morning." He waved his cell phone in front of me.

I walked over and sat in front of the large plate of food. "Thank you."

"Eat up. You need to fill your stomach so you will have something to throw up later." He turned to the stove and began to clean up.

"That is going to happen again?" I took a bite of the French toast.

He chuckled. "Possibly. The stages are different for everyone."

Lycan? I swallowed what I had in my mouth. I realized I had forgot to chew and began to choke. I put a hand to my throat and began to panic.

Kristian turned to me and sighed. He walked over, too slow for my liking and pulled me from my seat. He began to do the Heimlich maneuver. One thrust of his arms and the piece of toast flew out. I dragged air into my lungs.

He turned me in his arms as he chuckled. "I have never seen anyone nearly die from shock before." He gripped my forearms reassuringly. "You will be fine. Niklaus and I will be watching over you until you are in better control of your beast."

"Nick?" He was here. This must be his house. The butterflies came back full force.

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