Start from the beginning

"Saiki... I have something to tell you." he sweet voice called to him, his flushed face turned to face her dazed face, his breathing got heavier as she adjusted herself closer to him "I l-" she cut herself off when she realised what she about to say, she wasn't thinking at all. "I... Nevermind." she told him nervously.

He looked at her for a few moments "Are you sure? Is it something serious?" he asked.

"No, no." she replied quickly "Just a silly thought that's all. I'm actually quite tired now so I think I might head to bed." she stood up quickly and before he could say anything she said good night and walked away.


The next morning everyone had their own roles with finishing the raft, due to Saiko joining as well, the group had gotten closer and it was much easier working together now.

Everything was going smoothly until Saiko asked "Who will ride on the raft?"

"What?" Aren asked confused "All of us will." he replied.

"Why does everyone need to go?" Saiko asked with a smirk.

Nendou didn't seem to like the idea and he approached Saiko with great rage "What? Are you saying you want to leave someone behind?" Kaidou tried calming him down but the big brute pushed him out of the way "You've got to be kidding me! How could you even say that?" he then grabbed onto Saiko's collar "We all worked hard together to get this far."

Keiko placed a hand on his shoulder "I don't think that's what he meant, Nendou. I think he is suggesting the raft may not be strong enough to carry us all, so some go and get help who will come back and rescue the others." Keiko, no. Don't help him ruin my plan.

"Precisely. Thank you for defending me, Keiko." Saiko said smugly.

"I wasn't."

"Anyways, also, what if help reaches the island first while we're all on the raft?" he asked "Leaving a group in both places ensures our odds."

Nendou's mood had suddenly changed "I get it! You're smart."

"You're right. We don't need everyone to go." Aren agreed with Saiko for once.

"I wonder why we thought we all had to go." Yumehara thought, everyone else didn't seem opposed to the idea, except Saiki who had a sour look on his face once he realised his plan was ruined.


Over lunch, the group decided to plan who was going to find help, and who was getting left behind, Kaidou asked if there was anyone who wanted to go.

It was silent for a moment until Keiko raised her hand with a smile on her face "I'll go!" No. If you're going then I'm going  "I just want to get home soon so I volunteer on finding help."

Kaidou smiled brightly "Keiko, you're amazing." he cheered.

Nendou then raised his hand shouting "Me! I want to go on the raft!"

Kaidou didn't seem impressed as he was with Keiko "Then, you're definitely on, Nendou." his tone was less enthusiastic.

Nendou wrapped an arm over Keiko's shoulder "Well greeny, it seems me and you are off on an adventure." he smiled.

Keiko Mochizuki | S. KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now