"This would be the last bullet."

We sigh heavily as we wait for the doctor to pull the bullet inside the skull of the patient.


Our eyes were all fixated when the doctor finally pull the bullet safely.

"How's the heart rate and its rhythm Suzuki?"

He asks me after the long silence.

"Stable Doc."

"The body temperature?"

I smile before answering.

"Normal Doc."

The doctor's eye widened before smiling.

"This operation is successful!"

We all clap after performing the almost 10 hours surgery that we carry out.


I murmured and sigh that's exhausting, I'm about to seat when someone called me.

"Nurse Suzuki."

I just want a three minutes break please, I bite my lips out of pique but manage to smile at the co-nurse that called me.

"Someone asks for you on the phone."

Oh Kakucho, I almost forgot about him.


"Mistress! Can you come back to Japan now?"

I irk my forehead and look at the phone, What does he mean.

"South, South is uncontrolled right now Mistress."

I slowly sigh, now what did Cielo do?

"You know I can't go instantly to Japan, I need to—"

"Mistress, South just send an assassin to kill Hanagaki Takemichi."

He said I immediately stop and feel cold run down on my spine. Assassin?

"What do you mean? Why would Cielo do that?"

"He's eager to recruit Ken Ryuguji but he firmly decline South's recruitment, after that he's been refractory that even your name can't calm him."

What? I sigh fuck this is a damn headache. I walk back to my station and look for my phone to dial Callie's number, I need her to ready the twins.

I can't just leave this matter, I'm still their leader so I need to take action.

"Why are you so eager to get Hanagaki Takemichi, Kakucho?"

I ask while waiting for Callie to answer.

"Ms. Elle? Aren't you in the operating room right now?"

She greets I sigh. That's the point I just got done in the operation, now I need to deal with a new problem again.

"Ready my twins' documents and Wakasa too, ready an attire that I can freely move and call Narumi, tell him we're going back to Japan today."

I ended the call and listen to Kakucho.

"Mistress, Takemichi isn't just an ordinary man he can help you."

I raised my brow at what he just said.

"That's interesting."

"He can help you take back Mikey, Mistress."

The other nurses glance at me after seeing my reaction, I literally stop breathing for a minute after what he said.

Manjiro? And Takemichi?

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