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scene 01

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scene 01

"Why the hell are you so keen to make it up to me when I really am not interested in you?? can't you see our worlds are too different to be one for the entire life! i am someone who is really adamant to have privacy in life no matter what and look at you!!!!! you are living in a world, exchanging your privacy in return for fame and money... i am not saying ki you are wrong but you are not and you can't be the one who i can stay with forever for sure!"

saying that riddhima tried to go when vansh pulls her back that her chest hits his, their eyes met, noses touching and he knew she is now lost in this moment so grabbing her hair, he pulled her more close and spoke

"i still can see the love for me in your eyes, your emotions are nakedly roaming in there and i can feel it hearing the loud heartbeats of yours!!! tell it looking straight into my eyes that you don't love me, tell me everything you said was fake and you really still want me, please!!! i really want you, sweetheart, i can't live without you. if you want, i will stop this acting, my youtube channel everything...

he expected her to be teary, so she was...

riddima: you are not gonna do any of that idiot! you are not gonna end your career and hurt your fans for me who you just met some months back!

this time her words were showing care, so he was about to say something when she spoke again breaking all his hopes into pieces! and adding fuel to the situation, it started raining heavily

"instead you will forget me..." saying that she took off his hands from her waist

"you will forget every moment we spend together" she slowly took her hands which were on his chest!

her lips were trembling when the cold wind blew making her wet body shiver in rain, seeing this vansh removed his coat and covered her with it. her eyes were now on the verge of crying, she turned to go before he could think of doing something to change her mind. but before going she turned her face to the side and said

" you asked for a reply Nah, hear it! i really don't love you (she almost choked when this came out of her mouth), everything i said was true and you can not live without me but i can!"

saying that, she looked into his teary eyes for the one last time and left from the decorated garden which was supposed to be the place for their happy moment but alas it was unfortunate to witness their separation!

later she went, he collapsed on the floor... he screamed as much as he can to let out his pain. but soon his cries were replaced by a small smile, which had nothing but hope and so wiping his tears, grabbing her shawl which was on the ground, he spoke while sniffing it

" you left me saying the worst things possible, you left me with a broken heart like any other but with a small pinch of hope! you didn't look into my eyes when you said those, you choked when those things came out of your mouth, you took my coat even when you know you could just deny and give it back, and happily, this shawl of your's is more than enough to give me back the courage you gave and took off from me just a minute back! i trust you and our love like no tomorrow sweetheart, i will wait for your comeback in my life and will never break your promise and be a lonely, negative soul for the world"

saying this he smiled palely but anyone seeing him right now can see the literal pain he is going through!


people say true love is found out of nowhere all of a sudden but Nah that is just a mere infatuation or love at first! true love is something that we explore with time and finally realize that they have now become a living part of you, your better half, your mirror, your world in short! here the differences are not the problem, but your insecurities! sometimes being in love and falling for someone deeply is just about taking the biggest challenge in life, which includes self-realizations, insecurities, fighting all the odds together, and mainly winning the battle of heart and mind, where your heart screams to adjust to anything for feelings and mind practically bash you to hell in mind to break the morals and ethics you followed all your life for someone else!! it's more like a hell with both pain and an unknown pleasure(not sexual but mental satisfaction and peace which we tend to get only being with them) and have you ever felt it??

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