Chapter 5

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Namjoon's POV:

As I just got back I got to know what happened With Jin Hyung ,
I don't know why but I felt concerned , maybe only as a member ,
I know that i've fell out of love from him and shouldn't really care so I just ignored it ,
once I reached the hospital ,
I saw Jungkook who was sitting there ,
face covered with his hands , I went towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder ,

"Didn't I told you not to Disturb me...",


I said to him softly , only for him to break down crying and Jump on me while I hold him,

"Shh...Kook it's me , Your Namjoon Hyung , I've came back , back for you !!",

I said comforting him , as he cried in my hold and seemed my warmth.

All the other members too came to me  and hugged me from the side saying they all missed me , as Jungkook continued Hugging me ,

" Umm, is it ok, if I take Kook , with me to the dorm!!",

I said causing the others to frown but still agreed , Jungkook looked at me ,

"B..But Jin Hyung ??",

"Shh..Jungkook ah you should rest look how much you've cried !!",

I said Wiping his tears with my thumb as he still looked unsure of leaving ,

" Hmm okk!!",

he said , and I grinned , finally going out , I looked towards my members ,

"We're going , but btw I think you all should go home as well , look at your condition !!",

"Well I think you're correct Jiminie too needs to rest !!",

" And so do Yoongi Hyung !!",

said  Hobi and Taehyung ,
and then we all went back to the dorm .

Author's POV:

"Well those who were with the patient has left ma'am!!",

said the nurse to the doctor ,as she frowned looking towards the patient ,

" how can they be so cruel !!",

said Y/N(I couldn't think of any other name 😅).

Meanwhile in the Dorm,

Everyone was sleeping except for Jungkook and Namjoon,
Moans and Grunts were heard inside their Room.

"Ahh,H..Hyung more w..want more !!",

moaned Jungkook to Namjoon who only smirked ,

" So Needy!!",

He said and started Thrusting more and more hardly inside Jungkook,
and soon the both of them reached their High and sighed in pleasure , they both were now cuddling and kissing each other lazily ,

"Hyung, I love you ,
Don't ever leave me again!!",

said Jungkook with teary eyes as Namjoon kissed him,

"I promise I won't, I love you Too Kook!!",

said Namjoon as the two cuddled with each other and slept.

Bang PD's POV:

"Mr.Bang , Mr .Kim had miscarriage, and he was hurt quite hardly by the glass pieces , the Glass has hurt his back and if I say it more accurately , his spine , his back high is okk, but this has caused reaction in his Legs , causing that his lower body to be paralyzed , and the glass, that has  hurt his head , has actually caused injury on one of his nerves that was connected to his eyes , So we're sorry for telling this but Mr.Kim, won't be able to walk and see from now on , there are indeed treatments to get him back to normal, but we're not sure if he'll be able to recover !!",

said Y/N-shi on the phone to me ,
only for me to sigh ,

" yess Miss Y/n I understand , thanks for telling !!",

I said while feeling like crying ,

"Umm , Mr.Bang !!",

she said ,

"yes, what is it?",

"Umm is it possible like , you know i'm Mr.Kim's Doctor and for your Information i'm an Army as well , that too Jin Bias , I..I mean I know it might seem weird or Anything like that , but like can I take care of Mr.Kim from now on , like you know what has happened to him and also I told you what has happened here as well, they left him all alone , I don't think the members will take good care of him, so , is it possible if he stays with me till recovery!!",

Y/N-Shi said as I frowned at her request , but if I think about it deeply , I think she's a way more better option than those 6 idiots ,
Jin needs someone who will take care of him in the Best way ,

" Umm, Y/N-Shi , I ..I agree to this you can take care of Seokjin ,
But ,
you will have to move to the dorms with them ,
I'll inform your hospital that from today onwards you'll be Seokjin's Personal Doctor ,
Take care of him , and please make sure no ,
literally no members now get to treat Jin , in any kind of wrong way , you have the authority given by me!!",

I said ,
Now I no longer will tolerate the boys wrongdoings at all,

"Will do so Mr.Bang !!",

I heard Y/N-Shi's Cheerful voice ,

"Thank you Y/N-Shi !!",

I said as she told me it's her pleasure .

Once I ended the call, I wiped the tears now flowing from my eyes ,
I'll make sure the boys Won't Hurt you anymore Seokjin-ah,
I said Looking at one of Jin's Photo with the whole group.

" Your Hyung-Nim won't tolerate this anymore Seokjin-ah !!"

(okk , so let me tell you all that in this book , Jin has two brothers Basically , the eldest in the Family is Bang Pd , his full name is Actually , Kim Bang Si Hyung , Then Kim Seokjung , and the Youngest is Kim Seokjin !!)







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