Heart Full Of Rhythm

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"Niall!" Liam shouted.

"Louis!" Niall whined.

"Liam!" I groaned.

"Zayn!" Sofia motioned wildly to the whole commotion.

"Liam!" Zayn groaned.

"HARRY!" Liam shouted at Harry, who was just watching with amused eyes. He opened his mouth to say something else, but there was a loud crash and we all turned to see Aerent in the foyer.

"Aerent." She grinned.


I was excited to be here. I know there was a lot of fans in Vancouver, but Quebec is a larger city, and that means more support and love. We quickly stopped at the hotel we were staying at, and I know the girls were following, so I texted Aerent to meet us at the back exit in twenty minutes, to which she happily agreed. A guard I never met before told us a quick rerun of our schedule tomorrow, and that we had the rest of the day today. I showered and changed quickly, followed by the lads, and soon after, we were walking out the back door to Aerent, who was leaning on the hood of her truck. She had on some red tight jeans and a creme tank top with black stripes, a white beanie, and black boots, and she looked utterly adorable. As I got closer, I noticed she drew a thin, dark blue line just above her eyelashes, and her eyelashes still looked as full as ever.

"Hello." She hugged every single on of us, and the boys ran to Sofia's side of the truck, leaving me to Aerent. "How was the drive?"

"Horrible. There was absolutely nothing to do, and Zayn practically groped me for a whole day. Being the smallest one of the group is hard work."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm smaller than you, so, technically, you're not the smallest."

"No, actually," I laughed, pulling her to my chest. "I don't think it makes me feel any better. But thanks for pointing it out."

She laughed along with me, hugging me back, and when the guys finally let Sofia get off the truck, Aerent locked it, and we started walking. I kept my arm around her shoulders while hers stayed around my mid-back, and then Sofia was happy with all the attention she was receiving from the other four. We walked into a hat shop first, and for every ridiculous hat we found, we would take a picture and upload it to Twitter. Then, it turned into competition. Liam ended up winning, finding a purple fedora that had a yellow ribbon around it, winter flaps for the ears, a feather, alien antennas, and had green polka dots everywhere. It was a nightmare. When we came out, a fan had spotted us, and she started screaming, attracting attention, of course, and we started running down the streets of downtown Quebec. It had been a while since the boys and I had gotten fan-mobbed, so when I turned a sharp corner, I saw a small space and pulled Aerent with me, squishing her in front of me so that we couldn't be seen. Luckily, the girls didn't see, and I felt bad for leaving the boys for themselves, but I was tired, and I was not going to run back to the hotel.

I focused on my current situation at the very moment, feeling a very warm body pressed against mine, and I smiled when I looked down, finding Aerent's forehead on my chest, her breaths tickling gently tickling the soft material of my shirt.

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