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November 24, 1981

Dear Ziggy...

I heard you got out of the house, I'm glad.

I'm about to finish the police academy, and I'm wondering if this is what I really want.

It's one of the things I asked for.

It all feels so wrong and right at the same time.

I never really imagined myself being a cop, even after I found out the truth, but I guess it's not so bad... at least this way I can fix some of the damage I caused.

I miss you.

A girl spoke to me, I know my mother expects me to fall in love with her, according to her she's perfect.

Maybe she is, but not for me.

You are.

You know? sometimes I can feel the same tingle on my lips just like I did that day when we kissed.

I really miss you, Ziggy and it's torture.

I think about you every day, but then I remember that we'll never have what I always dreamed of having with you.

My father once told me, the curse makes your family have what they want, what makes them happy, but it comes with a price.

I thought he was talking about the name of the person who gives the soul to the devil, but now I realize he wasn't talking about that....

We pay the price, in exchange for power we lose what we want most.

I wonder if my father also lost someone he loved or if he lost something else.

If I could change everything just for you, I would do it, I would give up everything... but now it's too late.

My greatest longing will always be you, Ziggy.

Love, Nick.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫... 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [𝒁𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌]Where stories live. Discover now