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July 21, 1981

Dear Nick...

It's been three years since camp.

I hear you're in the police academy and you're not that far away from finishing it.

It's strange, I guess.

At least it is for me.

I don't know why imagining you being the Sheriff of the county feels so weird, it's something that we b̶o̶t̶h̶ all knew would happen eventually, but I always thought you wouldn't do it in the end.

You don't want to be Sheriff, do you? That's what you told me that day, although maybe that was a lie too.

I just hope that whatever you gain from this, it makes you happy.

I started working, unlike you who have a stable family and money to pay for college, I don't have any of that and the only thing I can do to keep from starving is work.

I had always imagined my life this way, so it wasn't a surprise for me.

I work in a bookstore...

God, it's like life is making fun of me.

There are shelves full of King and Blume books, all I can think of when I look at them is you, it's like torture.

I thought I was starting to leave the pain behind, but I'm not, every time I see them I feel like I'm being kicked in the stomach and considering I see them every five minutes....

Am I never going to get over you?

Part of me wants to, but the other part can't imagine what a day would be like without remembering you.

They say wounds heal with time... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Love, Ziggy.

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