Chapter 3: The Queen Piece

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It is currently my Second day in Highschool , When I entered the classroom kushida approach me with some of her girl friends.

"anno , Ayanokouji-kun I just realized this now but I never had your contact information so would you mind exchanging contact information with me? " Kushida said with puppy eyes

"sure, I don't see why that's a problem." I replied

"Yay , also some of my friends wants to exchange contact information with you too, they also said they want to get to know you better." She said in a teasing tone meant for her friends.

"ehhh Kushida-san , you said you wouldn't tell!!!" exclaimed a girl with a blush

"hehe sorry , I just want you guys to be friends with each other as soon as possible." Kushida explained , honestly if she wasn't wearing a mask I might consider making her as my text book of love. What a waste.

"sure I would also like to get to know my classmates."

We talked quite a bit after that I learned that the timid brown-haired girl is Inogashira kokoro , there is also Kayano Onodera , and wang-mei yuu who they apparently address as mii-chan.

I saw sudou in the corner of the class , I plan to make sudou 'my friend' but ill approach him when the time comes. Soon chab sensei entered the classroom and start teaching history. I observe the class, While around more than half of the students behave and try their best to pay attention. There are some students who didn't gives a shit and started talking like idiots . sudou was also asleep. They were completely disregarding my warning yesterday. Honestly I have no idea how these shitheads can graduate middle school but ill let them have their fun for this month.

(im gonna be skipping the details of the swimming class as its irrelevant to the story , but ofc im still gonna mention it)

Its been 2 weeks since I entered Highschool , the boys were all hyping about the swimming class and how they will get to see the girls in their swimsuit. Honestly its disgusting to talk with them so I stayed away from them. There is also a swimming competition which I ended up getting first place and koenji in the second. Had I not go all out koenji would have definitely beaten me that's just how good he is. He is still a mystery existence to me, if I were to control the whole class with fear, he would probably be the only one who wouldn't bend. However as long as I don't bother him then he wont interfere with my plans. I'll save koenji for last .

It was Saturday , and my phone rang. I picked it up to see that Hirata has called me , what could he wanting to tell me I wonder.

"Hello ayanokouji-kun, are you free right now , if you are can I come to your room? I have something important that we need to talk about."

"sure, if its Hirata im sure its something important for the class." I replied

"ok ill come over right now." And with that he ended the call. 20 minutes later my doorbell rang. Woah that was fast. I opened the door to see Hirata greeting me with a smile but what I did not expect was the person who is standing beside him . that person is none other then Karuizawa Kei the beautiful blond-haired gyaru. Honestly to me she is one of the most beautiful person I have ever seen. You could say she is on par with the famous Class B leader Ichinose Honami. Well atleast in my eyes.

But what could she be coming along for I wonder. Shrugging off my thoughts I let them in, Karuizawa was acting differently than how she used to. She usually put on this tough gyaru act that made her look like she was the most important person in the class. I do know that she is putting a mask however the karuizawa Im seeing right now is not what I had imagined. A trace of anxiousness can be seen in her face. She is sitting on my bed beside Hirata while im sitting on my chair

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