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I was sitting on the bus as a high school student. Yes, I ayanokouji Kiyotaka am now currently free from the white room and is on my way to Advanced nurturing Highschool where I will study there for the next 3 years, the school is run by government and boast 100 % employment rate.

However I didn't come here for the employment rate. During my time in the WR my instructor always tell me that my eyes is a gift from a my fathers gene and I can use it to crush anyone who stands in my way. Why? Because these eyes give fear. I also learned that through fear humans are able to change the way they think , talk and behave. That's how my father become the man he is today, through his indomitable fighting spirit he is respected by his allies and feared by his enemies.

Hence my goal in high school is to understand humans emotions through fear. For the next 3 years I will rule ANHS using Fear at the same make some friends as well. Of course when I say friends I never meant I want to obtained them through fear, I would like to see if there are people who can genuinely behave as my friends despite knowing these eyes of mine. If there are than that means I have obtained something that I could never even dreamed of in the WR.

As I was busy planning 3 years of life , as I was fantasizing about how I should present myself in the class.....

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

For a moment, I opened my eyes that were about to close.

A young, well-built, blonde-haired man was sitting down in the priority seat. I mean high school student. The old woman was standing next to him. An office lady was next to the old woman.

You there, can't you see the old woman having trouble?"

The office lady seemed to want him to hand over the priority seat to the old woman.

In the quiet bus, her voice got louder and attracted the attention of the other people in the bus.

"That's a really crazy question, lady."

The boy might have been angry, ignorant, or perhaps brutally honest, but he just smiled and recrossed his legs.

"Why should I give this seat to an old woman? There's absolutely no reason for me to give it up."

"Isn't it natural to hand over the priority seat to the elderly?"

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, and there is no legal obligation for me to move. Whether or not I move should be decided by me, who is currently sitting in this seat. Will you give up your seat because I am a young man? Hahaha, that's a stupid way of thinking."

Is this guy seriously arguing of a priority seat on bus , usually I would step in and punish him however since this isn't something you see everyday. Im just gonna entertain myself from the side lines and see how this is gonna play out. Occasionally I was also glancing at a girl that is sitting right beside me, she was also wearing our school uniform. She has long black hair, a beautiful face and a very elegant aura around her.

"What, what kind of attitude is that towards your superiors!?"

While the two of them engaged themselves in this pointless argument, a girl with short hair that is also wearing our school uniform also joined it to persuade the blond-man to give up his seat.

'Now this has become even more interesting', as I thought that small smile crept on my face. Humans are truly an interesting creature. Its truly stupid to argue for something like this, but if I were to pick a side, I would think that the blond boy is right, "Humans are not Equal however we should strive for Equality or try to make it Equal" was my old philosophy.

Unfortunately that way of thinking was a mistake. What makes human Inequal? Their age? Their Wealth? Their social standing? Their race?. There is simply too much things that makes humans inequal hence striving for equality is impossible and there is no point in trying to do so. However that doesn't mean that we should strive for Inequality. For example the office lady describe herself as a superior to the blond-man and was offended by how he speak to her.

However there was no evidence or law that supports someone to be superior just because he/she has lived longer. This was just something society created, hence if this man were to give up his seat he will only be contributing to society, but what does that give him exactly? As more questions appear in my head, I decided it was time to let this farce come to an end.

"Hey, you can have my seat if you like." I told the lady

"Oh, is that so, young man? Thank you very much!" The old lady replied with a smile

The elderly woman expressed her gratitude before finally being guided by the office lady into my vacant seat. The pretty-faced, short-haired girl came up to me and said " Thanks for giving up your seat, if you weren't there I wouldn't know what would have happen." She said with a smile. Something tells me that her smile is fake, how would I know? In the whiteroom its normal for people to betray each other and turn against each other everyday. I can tell when someone is putting on a mask or being genuine. Even though I can tell theres nothing malicious from her , her smile is not genuine. But I decide to shrugged it off for now.

"I just didn't want them to stopped from being a nuisance that's all." I replied honestly

"Hehe, I see. I'm Kushida Kikyou, by the way. I'm in class D starting this year. How about you?" Im amazed. This girl just naturally introduced herself, her social ability is definitely S rank.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Class D. I hope we can get along well Kushida" and by 'well' I mean, I hope you can be useful to me.

"ehhh your in class D too?? Well then, nice to meet you Ayanokouji-kun. You can call me Kikyou if you want." She offered with a smile

"I'll just call you Kushida for now, but if we do get closer in the future I might call you Kikyou" I replied

"I see. That's fine then" she chuckled

Not long after our talk, the bus came to a halt as we reached the gate of the campus. I told Kushida to walk ahead as I would like to savor my time in front of the gate. Then I was called from behind by the black-haired beauty that was sitting beside me on the bus.

"You were looking at me. Why?" she asked. Seriously? You are gonna interrupt me for this shit?

"because I have eyes and im free to look at what I want." I spoke in cold tone

She look scared for a moment but quickly regained her composure

"Y-you! Don't you dare look at me with those eyes again" she said but her voice is now weaker

Honestly I was kinda pissed as I didn't do anything wrong , but I just decided to ignore her and continue walking towards the gate. But the bitch grabbed my hand.

"H-Hey, Don't ignore me, how dare you."

I guess she will become my first test subject of fear. Making sure no one saw us , I punched her lightly on the solar plexus and she fall on her knees coughing and submitting to the pain. Of course I didn't hit her to the point where she coughed blood , that would take around 15-20% of my strength so I use less then that . I looked down on her with my true eyes.

"If you are looking to make enemies then you got the wrong person, Im only interested in making friends 'atleast for now hehe' , I would appreciate if you never bother me again?" I said to her coldly with a smile

She trembled and the look of fear appeared on her face. I left her after that.

Horikita POV

As he left me and went towards the school the pain in my chest started to disappear however that sense of fear that I felt still remains. Just who is he, those eyes. I've never met anyone like that before. Even with that smile of his , he is still many times more scarier than my nii-san.

No matter what happens from now on, I have to be careful around him. As I carried these thoughts I decided to moved towards the entrance ceremony hoping not to see the boy again.

(chapter two coming tomorrow , make sure to follow and add this to your reading list if interested, I will be updating regularly as i already have some of the chapters ready)

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