Chapter 4

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Today is just not my lucky day, I got in a argument with jake, my best friend, and now i might have to deal one with Anna, the one that i like. I just dont want the same thing happening again. Anna is my only friend, and i cant lose her.

I arrived at her house. For a innocent girl like Anna, she doesnt really live in the prettiest house last i remebered. She finally opened the door.

" Hi, Chris! What are you doing here? "

" Anna, We need to talk in private.

She looks like something bad is going to happen. So i just said everything that i had to say.

* 10 minutes Later *

"Chris, I dont understand, you're a spy?"

"Sadly, yes.

" Does Jake know?

" Yes, but he doesnt really want you in this mission.

" Oh, That's ok."

" He just cares about you, Anna, you dont need to be offended.

" Thanks anyway Chris. I really appreciate it."

" Your welcome"

That day was just too stressing for me. I feel too exhausted and nauseous, but relieved. Im probably going to the spy agency to see Agent Cameron and find some more information. Im just not ready yet. I dont even have any equipment on me. So Cameron has to give me something in order to succeed this mission. He even said that I cant tell my parents, or else, the secret's out. Im so nerveous to go to the agency, Im also nerveous about the mission. I dont want to risk my life, but if its for the people of the world, then i'll be the one to save them.

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