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On the other side, Techno happily flapped his hands, before he realized what he was doing and stopped. He shouldn't move his body like that, it's weird. He remembered how his father reacted when he caught Techno doing these things...

"Fuck you think you're doing? Stop that, it makes you look retarded." His father had snapped, before leaving a stressed young Techno locked in his room. "You can come out when you decide to act like a normal fucking child!" He boomed from the other side of the door, which only worsened Techno's meltdown.

He remembered how unwanted he felt then. How lonely he was. He needed to block these feelings out, so he once again put on a coat and ran. It felt nice, having the wind on his skin, blowing his hair. He found he could not run nearly as long this time because he was starving. When he got home, he was about to order some food, but stopped dead in his tracks.

Maybe he shouldn't. He already hadn't eaten for a while, he could definitely go a bit longer. He didn't deserve to eat yet. So instead, he headed upstairs and scrolling through Twitter. He saw many posts concerned for him, and was confused until he remembered how he ended stream abruptly the other day. He sighed, trying to think of an excuse.

Technothepig ✔️:
So I know you guys were worried-

No, too informal.

Technothepig ✔️:
To address what happened on my last stream-

Too much?

Technothepig ✔️:
Seeing as many of you are worried about me because of my last stream, I decided to come out with an official response. To be frank, I was just very stressed throughout that stream and I'm not sure why I acted the way I did. Don't worry about me guys, I'm doing better now :)

Good enough, he supposed. He hit post and watched as notifications flooded in.

Techpog: OMGG we were so worried, glad ur ok!!!
Amyplays: are u sure ur alright techno? :( we care about u!
Bitchza: Please take care of yourself Techno, you don't owe us anything. You come first.

Techno smiled at the heaps of support he was getting, and was thankful most seemed to buy his excuse, or at least knew better than to push him to talk about something he clearly wasn't ready to discuss. Some people were suspicious, but they were the very quiet minority so it didn't bother him much.

Just then, Techno's discord started blowing up. Dear lord, what now? Thankfully, when Techno went to see what all the fuss was about, he was simply greeted with more supportive messages, this time from his friends.

Wilbur: Thank God you're alright, I was about to go over there myself! Please keep taking care of yourself.

Tommyinnit: Stressing yourself out over streaming is not pog, get some rest loser.

Philza: I see you're doing better. I'm always open to talk if you ever need to again.

And these were just a few of the messages he'd received. For once, Techno finally felt supported and loved. He swore he'd get better for his friends and his fans.

Of course, he crossed his fingers through the whole thing.

"I'm sorry guys... I can't promise anything." Techno whispered sorrowfully.

Burntout- Techno AngstWhere stories live. Discover now