Episode 17: Ultimate Weapon

Start from the beginning

Ben hits down on the watch and becomes Greymatter. I pick him up and teleport him outside the building.


I flinch for a second, what was that?

I shake off my frown and look at Ben. Ben and I give each other a thumbs up before Ben starts rubbing towards a pipe "Um Max...I know Benji can be....extra sometimes, but don't you think you were a little-" "Now, you're just kids. I don't expect you to understand." Max scoffs. Gwen looks at me, we both share nervous expressions.

I pull my sketchbook out and start to doodle Ben's newest alien-which I named Wildvine. Gwen flicks my shoulder lightly as Max starts walking towards the exit. I shut my sketchbook, Gwen and I walk behind Max in silence.

It didn't take long for a door to open "It's about time." Max sighs seriously, walking past Ben. Gwen shrugs at Ben and follows Max. I pick Ben up as I walk "Ew...why do you smell like dog slobber?" I ask "Long story..." He sighs, climbing onto my shoulder.

I walk a little faster to catch up with Gwen and Max, Gwen glances at me and slows down a little "Have you guys ever seen Grandpa this serious?" She asks "I've never seen anyone this serious." Ben says, Max turns and opens a door. Not even saying a word, he walks in. I look at the safe "It has to be in here." Max says "I'm on it." Ben announces, hopping onto the safe.

After a few seconds the safe opens "Good job, Ben." Gwen whispers, Ben hops back on my shoulder "Beautiful isn't it?" Max says, staring down at the mask... "Um...well...no." I state, Max picks up the mask and stares at it "Over 40 years of searching and now, finally you're-" I tense up at the sound of metal footsteps 

"I thought you'd retired from the plumbing business, Mr. Tennyson. Or may I call you Max?"

"Who are they?" I ask "Enoch and the Forever Knight..." Max says "Those guys tried to slice and dice me." Ben growls, ok where on earth was I?

A/N: For those who don't remember, I skipped the episode they were introduced...so let's just say Y/N was at some art camp that day or something.

I shrug it off, almost making Ben fall off.

"How nice of you to remember. And of course, how can I forget the family who left the Forever Knights without a castle? I don't remember this young lady though..." Enoch growls "Whatever happened, you brought upon yourselves." Max says harshly "Aren't we the feisty sewer rat? I'd love to chat about old times, but I'm late for holding the world at my mercy. So, I'll be taking that mask now."

Max holds the mask close to his chest "Over my dead body." He says with a deep voice...just his body right?

"Excellent suggestion! Gentlemen?" Enoch hums, the knights behind him pull out swords-but they kinda look like lightsabers. A guard walks in "Hey, what's going on here?!" He asks before Ben jumps onto Enoch's face "Run!" He shouts. "Wh-" I get cut off by Gwen pulling me away. The three of us run off, I could hear footsteps behind us.

Max was far ahead of me and Gwen "I should've stay behind..." I mumble nervously "What if something happened to Benji?" "He's fine, trust me. Let's just worry about ourselves for a moment." Gwen sighs before an alarm starts blaring. Max stops us, I look in front of him to see a guard "I can take him." I whisper, Max shakes his head quickly "We'll go another way." He says. We run in a different direction-only for the mask to be snatched out of Max's hands.

"Your loss is my gain." Enoch says, running off with the other knights. A metal wall starts to lower over the exit, I quickly teleport us outside. We run around the corner and towards a trashcan-where weirdly enough, Ben was. He was back to himself. He groans and mumbles something under his breath "We don't have time to fool around, Ben. Y/N, teleport us to the Rust Bucket." Max says seriously.

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now