They didn't have a real conversation since that day he told her about Julie and the baby, after one night of sleeping apart and her avoiding him the day after she just kept avoiding him and kept sleeping alone. She was so pissed and so scared he would leave her that she decided that pushing him away will soften the pain.

So she sat down, wanting to hear what he has to say. She couldn't lie, she wanted to know what was so argent that he had to send Maddie away to her room.

Maybe Something was wrong with Julie's pregnancy?

"Thank you" he said as she sat back on the couch. "You we're right..." he links down to their hands. He didn't let her hand go and she wasn't complaining about it. She kept their hands together just so she could feel the warmth and the comfort of his touch.

"I usually am... what I was right about?" She chuckled. This conversation feels heavy from the first sentence and she tries to light the mood. Even if it's just a little. But Robert remain serious, not even the tiniest of smiles cricked on his lips.

"She lied... it's not my baby. She slept with someone the week we were broken up before we got back together. She told me she was 16 weeks pregnant when she was 18. I found out from the doctor today..." he talks in a monotonic tone. Focusing his eyes on their hands, by now their fingers are intertwined.

She sat there for a second, not really knowing what to say. She was happy? Yes she was definitely happy that her boyfriend wasn't having a baby with his ex. She was sad? Also yes. She knew Robert got excited about the baby and now it all went away in a split moment. It probably broke his heart.

Right now she put all her feelings aside. And focused only on him, and his feelings. The men who sat in front of her wasn't one to show much emotion. and now she sat the tears welling up in his eyes.

The reason for those tears didn't matter. She just closed the small distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. Holding him in a loving, comforting embrace.

"I'm so sorry Robert." She whispered to him.

"I know" he felt her hand running up and down his back and his arms quickly wrapped around her as well.

They held each other for a while. Neither of them knew how long it's been. But they didn't care, not even a little. Cause it's been way too long since they had this. And this feeling was addicting. Being in the arms of the person you love.

Eventually Robert pulled away, telling her he was ready to continue the conversation.

"I know I shouldn't feel like that but I'd kinda feels like I lost someone... I only found out about his five weeks ago but I don't know... I can't explain this feeling."

"You're allowed to feel anything and everything Robert. You spent these weeks getting all happy and excited about the baby and now it's all gone. I'm sorry I left you alone when you needed me"

A weak smile formed on his face, making the edges of his lips to curve up just a little but this smile didn't quite got to his eyes.

"It's okay Andy. I truly understand your decision but I just hope we can go back to what we were?" She stoped him when she crushed her lips to his.

They both have been waiting for this moment for so long. When you love someone so much in this way there's a slight feeling like you are gonna die if you can't kiss the person you live every day. And they didn't do that for a whole month.

He cupped her face with both his hands and she put one of hers on the back of his neck. Pulling him impossibly close.

She moved a little to sit on his lap. Her ankles crossed behind his back as they kiss grew deeper and more passionate.

This kiss was full of Ouse, desire and love. So much love war present in that moment.

When they pulled away breathless for air a smile was visible on both of their faces. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and saw all they needed to see.

There wasn't a need to say those three words. He knew that, she knew it. They felt these words so deeply so saying it out loud wouldn't do much. But they said it anyway.

"I love you"

"I love you too. So much"


Hey bestiessssss

You've been waiting for this one....
Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

Like always I didn't proofread so sorry for any mistakes....


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