"Come back. We have Amber."

"Good. I'm glad ," Sam replied with a terse tone before returning to his clawed dirt.

Colby sighed again but made no move forward again, " You're not glad."

Sam narrowed his eyes, flaring gold, " What gave that away?"

A low growl answered first, " Stop with the sarcasm, Sam. I want to fix this. Us."

"We aren't a fucking broken down truck, Colbs," Sam sneered.

"No we're not ," Colby replied, " Would be way fucking easier if we were ," Sam thumped his tail impatiently, " But we are you and me, Sammy."

"Doesn't seem to mean much with Amber, now," it was meant to slip under his breath, but Colby heard it clearly from Sam.

"Amber is new. She will never come between us. She didn't before. "

Sam turned to glance over his shoulder at the black wolf, " She already has."

And he ran off again.


Colby returned back to the cabin, lead settled into his stomach, but he knew Sam would come back. He just needed space. So did Colby.

His crimson eyes fell on Amber's body in the living room. Her skin was pale and sweaty and he could see her body twitch in unpleasant shivers. Blood was already soaking the blanket Tara put over her.

It amazed Colby that she lasted this long but he knew the things people could do when they desired life and the adrenaline to achieve that survival. He was very familiar with it from all his times exploring abandoned locations.

Luna, suddenly, came in from the kitchen with a large mixing bowl filled with water and several cloths, but it didn't smell like regular water. There was something else in it.

Colby took a step forward, arm outstretched to Luna, "Need help?"

The rogue werewolf smiled softly, gently giving Colby the bowl and cloth, "That would be fantastic. Could you place a wet cloth on her forehead and dab her neck and chest? I need to go prepare my hands and needle for her shoulder."

Colby nodded, peering down into the bowl. He couldn't recognize most of the herbs in the water, but he could smell something citrus, maybe some sort of mint, but that was about it. There were some crystals laying at the bottom of the bowl that he could recognize like amethyst and quartz. But his knowledge was limited in witchcraft. Only a few years ago was Colby heavily religious, heavily Christian, but now he was... well he didn't know what he was. Yet, here he was about to use witchcraft on a dear friend of his and it didn't scare him. He knew the witchcraft Luna practiced was good and not the stereotype he grew up with. He knew that in this new world that witchcraft gave supernaturals a chance at a normal life. He respected it. He respected Luna.

Colby kneeled down beside Amber, her lips parted slightly as she whimpered, sounding much like a dog rather than a female. He dipped the towel into the water, feeling a tingling sensation across his skin.

Amber deserved a normal life. Not this. Never this.

He wrung out the majority of liquid from the cloth before raising it to Amber's forehead, placing it gently there. Amber's bottom lip trembled at his touch and he pressed a bit on the cloth. Slowly, Amber's eyes flickered open, catching Colby's crimson, and falling shut.

Colby hushed her softly, his chest rumbling, as he pulled his hand away and grabbed a new cloth. He dunked it in the bowl as his other hand lowered the blanket a few inches down Amber's chest, but kept her modesty. Gently, he pressed and whipped away at Amber's clammy skin. He continued to hush her softly, lacing his voice with his Alpha dominance in the hopes it may calm her down even though he wasn't her Alpha truly... whoever that was.

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