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We have her.

It's what Colby messaged to David Dobbrick as Jake and Elton carried the new Omega werewolf into the front room where all the sofa's were located. Jake settled Amber's body into one randomly, as Tara quickly slid pillows under her head and draped a blanket over her naked form once Elton placed her feet at the foot of the sofa. The Alpha stared at Amber, tapping the back of his phone.

She's here... , is all he thought.


Sam pawed at the dirt beneath him randomly, feeling his anger toward Colby simmer and wait like a stagnant volcano. He imagined the dirt beneath him was Amber and occasionally it was Colby, but most of all he imagined himself.

A snarl escaped his muzzle and he clawed violently at the dirt again, leaving deep grooves from his claws.

He blamed himself for the rift between him and Colby. Maybe if he was a better mate and friend and companion, then maybe Colby wouldn't be turning to Amber... This wasn't the first time that Sam and Colby had someone come between them, threatening to split them apart.

There was Brennen Taylor (an individual that Sam despised and put up with for Colby's sake despite the hard truth that Brennen kept secret about the girls he had met, but Sam hated how attached the two were. Even before Colby and Sam confessed their feelings to each other, Sam was always jealous of that man, but he dealt with it like an adult. He needed to deal with this like an adult, too).

There was Shea Elyse Prior (a girl who seemed to capture Colby's gaze with such ease that the pair would disappear overnight to AirBnB's whenever she called, though Sam did grow to like her a lot eventually).

There was Katrina Stuart (a rarity in this list of people who Sam dated for a short amount of time before splitting and remaining friends. Colby had revealed later that those years of them dating were the hardest for him because the pair were not as close. Now Sam knows there was jealousy there).

There was BigNick (the comedic Viner back in the early days in L.A. who entered their lives and seemed to attach himself to Colby).

There were so many other girls between them over the years and so many of their male friends who seemed to attach themselves to mainly Colby to get him away from Sam. Colby always got more views than Sam when they were split and their friends knew this, but Sam came to terms with it.

And the irony in that was a girl was what brought them together back in band camp.

But, even then, it was always Colby who stuck with Sam. They had something special together. Always had and always will.

This was Sam's fault. He gave up on Colby and ran and Colby always chose him...

But Sam couldn't stop thinking he was losing Colby to Amber who was female... gorgeous... a newly turned werewolf... omega... rising influencer... female... female....

Sam growled in frustration, whipping around and clawing at the nearby tree. Wood splintered and fell around him.

In that moment of frustration, he dropped the mental guard he had and a voice came into his thoughts, startling him.

"Sam ," it was his mate and he was close.

Hearing a hard bark behind him, Sam turned around and there was his mate's black wolf form. Sam took a step backward and lowered his gaze.

"Sam," Colby called him again, " Please talk to me ."

Sam huffed, turned around, and sat, staring down at his claw marks in the dirt. He could hear Colby sigh and take a careful step forward. A quick snap to Sam's head to the side made Colby freeze.

☽ Fang ☾ [Howl sequel] ✔Where stories live. Discover now