Chris nodded in my direction with one eyebrow raised as if I held all the answers

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Chris nodded in my direction with one eyebrow raised as if I held all the answers.  I had to be ready soon so I answered fast.  "He's the color of a character.  That's all you get right now."  Hearing Megan laugh and continue to talk to Chris about whatever it was they talked about, I turned on my heel quickly, grabbing Chace by the arm, pulling him to the bedroom where I had been getting ready. I didn't shut the door, mainly because that would have been weird, but I whispered so Chris couldn't hear. 

"I'm starting to freak out."


"Because this thing is much bigger than Chris thought it was going to be originally and there are a lot of really famous people that are attending."  Chace stared at me until I realized I was actually talking to one of the famous people I was talking about and corrected myself.  "Okay, you don't count."

"Gee, thanks Y/N."

"You know what I mean.  By the way, you look very nice.  But seriously,  I already know you, and where the hell is Sebastian?  He should be here calming me down."

"Thanks, yet again."  Chace chuckled as I covered my face with my hands before he walked toward me to hug me.  Speaking into his chest, I apologized for sounding brash but I was comfortable with him even though he was famous.  I could hear Chris talking to someone other than Megan before I heard her start talking again.  Chace moved a little, causing me to look up from his embrace, only to be embraced by a different set of arms.  Sebastian had finally arrived and looked very dapper.  After hugging him, I held him at arm's length to get a good look. 

"Wow.  Why did I even wonder what you would look like tonight when Chris told me you were coming?"

"I'm not sure.  This is the logical thing to do, is it not? I mean, Chris and I, along with all the other Marvel people, could have come as our characters actually, that's Disney.  But, I thought I'd change it up.  I mean, Chace and Chris just have on a suit."

Chace spoke up.  "Because I'm Prince Phillip."

Sebastian laughed as I defended Chris.  "Once I'm in my dress, the color of  Chris' suit will make sense.  His team is the one who picked his clothes out after I picked the dress."

"Okay,  I'll take your word for it.  Now I'm glad I kept this after I finished on set, it came in handy."


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