Chapter 17

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I wake up from the sun shining so bright through my bedroom window. I do morning hygiene and take a quick shower. I wear a light blue t-shirt, black sweatpants and a gray knit jacket. I walk into Michael's room after knocking to find him watching Peter Pan in the bed. He looks at me and smiles.

"Good morning!", he says and smiles.

"Morning.", I say and sit on the edge of the bed. "I never thought you'd like watching a Disney movie."

"I love Disney.", he says.

"Me too! My favorite movie is Aladdin!", I say.

"Come here. Let's watch the movie!", he says.

I sit in the bed next to him. This feels weird.

"Umm, I'll go get your pills.", I say.

"Okay.", he says awkwardly.

I get his iron pills for him and some water and go to his room, putting it on the nightstand.

"I-I'll make breakfast.", I say.

He nods awkwardly showing a little smile. I walk to the kitchen and start cooking some pancakes. I put them in a plate and get some syrup. I also get some orange juice. I put all of them in a tray and go to Michael's bedroom. I help him sit up and put the tray on his lap.

"Thank you.", he says.

"No problem.", I say and smile. "So don't you wanna have some friends over today? It'll definitely make you happy."

"I only have one friend.", he says quietly.

"Then invite him or her.", I say and smile.

"I can call her.", he says.

I see him squirting chocolate syrup on a pancake and cutting it with the knife. He picks it with the fork and holds it to my face, in front of my mouth.

"Really?", I ask and laugh softly.

He smiles and puts it on my mouth making me open it and eat the piece of pancake.

"So, do you want me to call your friend?", I ask.

"I'll call her now.", he says.

He gets his phone from his nightstand and calls somebody.

"Hey, girl... Do you mind coming over at my friend's house?... I can send you the address... Don't worry. She's really taking care of me... Yes, thank you... Bye!", he says on the phone.

"Now finish your breakfast and I'll help you get ready.", I say and kiss his forehead going out of the room.

"Wait!", he says.

I turn around.

"I-I need to take a shower.", he says almost a whisper.

"I'll help you.", I say and smile. "Bon appetite."

"Merci.", he says and smiles.

"De rien.", I say and walk out.

I go to my room and decide to wear something a bit revealing since I'll be showering Michael so it'll help him be less uncomfortable. I wear a black tube top, dark green shorts and wear flip flops. I go to Michael and he's finished his breakfast.

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