Chapter 11

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I jump as I see Michael standing behind me.

"How the fuck did you get here?", I ask.

"Your bedroom window.", he says.

"How old are you? My high school boyfriend used to do that and I don't like it.", I say.

"I'm sorry. I'm 27.", he says.

"And you still jump in girls' windows.", I say.

He smirks.

"Who is she?", he asks.

"Mabel.", I say and roll my eyes.

"So she's the bitch?", he asks.

"If you're gonna say something calming me down then just do it. If you're gonna fuck me and use me like you always do then I kindly request you get out of my house. Don't act like you care.", I say.

"I do care.", he says and widens his eyes.

"Michael! You were never tender with me. You never hugged me. You don't even know the shit I've been through. Do you even know my birthday?! You just care about fucking me and that's it!", I yell.

"No! You don't also know the shit I've been through!", he yells.

"I love you.", I blurt out.

He looks at me so shocked and looks down.

"I was being used for sex. Thanks.", I yell.

"No! I'm not like that!", he yells.

Suddenly my hand slaps his face so hard. I freeze.

"Sorry, I-", I start.

"Save it!", he says and walks out slamming the door shut. 

I sigh and collapse on the couch. I messed up everything because I'm angry. How great?! I hear my phone ringing. I pick it and see No Caller ID. I answer.

"Hello, Florence Brown speaking.", I say.

"Oh hey, Florence. I'm Benjamin from the club. Do you remember me? Benjamin David Burton?", he asks.

"Oh, yeah, Mr Burton. I do.", I say and smile.

"Call me Benjamin.", he says. "I wonder if you wanna go to dinner tonight. I thought you are interesting and I would like to get to know you better."

"Umm, yeah. Sure.", I say.

"I'll pick you up at 9. Your address is in the card. Bye, Beautiful.", he says.

"Bye.", I say and smile.

I hang up and go upstairs to my room to get ready. I don't know why but I feel so bad about myself because I seriously have so strong feelings for Michael. He just doesn't. I still need to get my mind off him. I take a shower and wear a black off-shoulder top, tucked in light ripped jeans, black heels and a black thick belt. I do light makeup and tie my hair in a high ponytail. I spray my signature perfume and hear a honk outside. I look out of my bedroom window and see a blue Aston Martin. A guy looks out and waves to me. I smile and grab my black clutch running downstairs. I quickly feed the dogs and walk outside. I see Benjamin in a white button up shirt, light ripped jeans and white sneakers. He looks pretty hot. He smiles at me.

"Hey!", he says.

"Hi.", I say and smile.

He opens the passenger door for me and I sit in. He sits in the driver's seat and drives off looking at me. He looks like a fucking pervert looking at me. That's creepy! We get into a restaurant. He leads me to a table and I sit there.

"Umm, I'm sorry, Mr Burton but may I ask why you chose me to go on a date with you out of all the other women in the world? You barely know me.", I say.

"And what's the point in knowing that?", he asks and laughs softly.

So. Fucking. Funny.

"I'd like to know why the hell I'm so stupid to go on a date with some goddamn pervert looking at me all the damn way like didn't see no woman before.", I say.

He looks at me and his eyes widen.

"Goodbye.", I say and stand up.

"But-", he starts.

I cut him off by walking back to the door. I stick my middle finger from across the room and walk out. I feel like I'm a girl from 8 Mile.. I get my phone out of my pocket. I call Thomas my driver.

"Hi, Thomas.", I say.

"Hey, Flora.", he says.

"I'll send you my location and please pick me up. I'll need to tell you about every single thing that happened.", I say and sigh.

"Yeah, are you alright?", he asks.

"Yes.", I say and send him my location.

"Oh, I'm actually close to the restaurant.", he says.

"Thank you so much! You saved my life.", I say.

"I'm here.", he says. "Right on you left."

"Aha. Found ya. Bye.", I say and walk to the car.

I get in it and sigh feeling so relieved to leave this restaurant. He drives off.

"Hey! What happened?", he asks.

"I was on the worst date I've ever been in my life. Like too awful!", I say.

"Oh, who?", he asks.

"Some guy I met at the club. His name is Benjamin and he was staring at me all the way like a pervert and you don't know how much it felt creepy!", I say.

"Especially for somebody who barely knows you.", he says.

"Exactly!", I say. "Oh and then when I asked him why he chose me to take me on a date with him, he asked me about the point in knowing it. Like who the fuck does he think he is?!"

"A pervert.", he says making me laugh.

"Gosh! He's mentally ill.", I say. "I need to calm down."

He keeps laughing at my silliness. I always feel so comfortable talking to him since he's like my dad. He knew me since first grade so he knows very much about me.

"You think it's funny?", I ask.

"Yes.", he says laughing.

I laugh at his laugh and now the car is filled with laughter. Soon we arrive at my house and I get out.

"Bye!", he says.

"Bye bye! See ya.", I say and get in.

I seriously need to get my mind off Mr Perv. Ahhh! Maybe candy will help. I go to the candy jar and just find a lollipop. There's no way I've finished it! There was plenty of candy there! I'm not that silly! I'll go candy shopping. I get my car this time and drive to the candy shop. I smile seeing the candy. God! I'm so silly and childish! I see somebody at the candy shop who I never thought would be shopping for candy.. He looks at me and looks back at the candy again. I know he hates me right now. He always hated me anyways. I try not to look at him so badly. I don't know why the fuck I'm really in love with him?! I get lollipops, chocolates, gummy bears, every sort of candy I can see there. I pay for them and get back to my car. This is so shitty. I sigh and drove back home. I put the candy in the candy jar and go to my room. I wear gray pajamas and go downstairs. I get the candy jar and sit on the couch. I turn the TV on and watch movies while I'm eating trying to get my mind off this bullshit.

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