#2. The Arrogant CEO

Începe de la început

"And bhai is rude, arrogant, workaholic, not friendly at all and always is in his angry mode. Both are completely opposite. Mom very bad choice. " Kabir said pitying on his mother.

"Stupid, this is the perfect match. Aunty your choice is great." Aliya said and Roshni smiled to her.

" After all, she is Mrs. Navin Malhotra, her choice has to be great. " Navin said and Roshni smiled shyly.

"Ok then guys let's give this good news to bhai that we finally found a girl for him. " Kabir said taking out his phone from his pocket and dialed his number.


"What the hell is this! Why I'm giving you all salaries for this shit." He roared to his employees, who failed to give a presentation.

"I'm giving you all time till evening to make the best presentation or else get ready to submit your resignation letter. " He shouted again, they all bowed in front of him and nodded their head.

"No go and get back to work. " Their boss, Mr. Reyansh Malhotra commanded loudly. And all the people working on that department started doing their own works without wasting anymore seconds as they don't want to face his wrath.

He took deep breaths to calm himself. He went back to his laptop and start checking mails.

"May I come in, Sir?" A knock on the door and the girl asked.

"Come in."

"Sir, here is your coffee. " The girl said with her sweet voice and placed the coffee on his table.

He took a sip keeping his eyes at the laptop.

"What the hell! Why this much sugar in it? I drink black coffee without sugar don't you know this?" He looked up and asked.

" Who are you? " He frowns looking at he girl.

"Sir, May I come in?" His Manager, Farhad asked and Reyansh nodded.

"Sir, she is your new P.A Ms... " Before Farhad could introduce the new girl, Reyansh cut his sentence.

"So Ms. New P.A do you know what's the time now?" Reyansh asked sharply that the soul of poor girl trembled. His angry voice is enough to scare someone.

"Yes, sir I know it's my first day and I'm late today. I'm sorry sir. " The girl apologize and Reyansh looked directly into her eyes and his jaws clenched as if he would eat her alive now

" Do you know what! mix your sorry with this coffee and drink it. " Reyansh yelled at her and said so rudely that automatically tears gathered into her black big doe but somehow she stopped her tears and composed herself.

" I'm.. so-rr-y.. sir. I'll get another one. " She stuttered seeing his angry form.

"No I don't want it now. My mood has got spoiled already... you just get lost now. " Reyansh said getting back to his laptop.

He looked up at her face to find a tear rolling down on her cheek from her beautiful eyes and she wipe it off immediately. He regrets immediately as hour realised that he is venting all his frustration over her because of that presentations.

"Fine! Go to your cabin and check your new email in your office laptop.. and just send that email to these clients. The address and the password is stored in your office laptop." Reyansh told her, pointing at a file placed on the table.





"Rude. "

" A Monster!" As soon as the girl came out from his cabin, she start giving him new names. She scrunched her nose in anger and closed her eyes to let her tears stop to coming out from her eyes.

"He is so rude." She said pouting and went to her cabin.

" What I have even done to him to be treated like this?" She placed the files on her desk.

"You did nothing." Farhad came from behind.

"Actually, Sir's mood is like a chameleon you never know you when his mood turned bad to good or good to bad. We all are is a victim of his mood swings." He said.

"I wish I could pull out all his hairs from his scalp. " She muttered under her breath and unfortunately he heard it and laughs.


"What's going on here?" Another girl came with her chirpy voice.

"Hey! Neha. " Farhad gave her a side hugged.

"Neha meet her, she is Siya Sharma. " Farhad introduced both the girls to each other.

"Siya meet Neha, she works in finance department. And Neha she is the new.."

"New PA of our super hot shot CEO."

"Unfortunately, yes." Siya replied making a baby face.


A/N : Hi! Just a surprise update because I have got few cute messages to update one more time. Here it is.

Please do enjoy and leave the feedbacks.. 😀


Happy reading...😊

Stay safe...😊

Good luck...😊

And don't forget to follow me on here on wattpad.

Question for the day...

Which movie/film did you watched recently?

The last movie I watched was Purple Hearts 💜💜 and The school for good and evil.

With love,

Zysha 💖.

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