Chapter 2: Uncommunicated

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(This is about a year after the last chapter. I've got a thing planned, so y'all STFU if u don't like it. Also, unrelated, but related to the story, I JUST FIGURED OUT BODER IS MUTE!!!!!)

A small, blue-haired boy is leaning back in a chair. His feet are the only balance keeping him up. A taller, yellow-haired boy taps his shoulder. Bob looks up, and it's Bosip. His glasses are a blueish color now and his hair is a little spiked up, while before, his hair was straight and tied into a ponytail. (I can't!!!)

"Hey, Bob. Did you have a great summer?"

"Yep. I got reminded of it every single time I flipped through my Yearbook."

"Ehehe. Sorry about that. I knew you might miss me so..."

"I did..." Bosip blushes a little.

"Y...Y-You did?~"

"Yeah. But don't get used to it. I wasn't begging for your attention." Bosip's smile fades.

"Oh." Bosip looks to the side. "W-Well, I don't mind if you missed me or not. It's just great to see you after the Summer break."

"You're acting like we've been friends for our entire lives, dude. Y'now, you could've come to my house at any time, right?"

"Yeah, but... Ehehe. I kinda lost the address. A-And your number. I-I think I just misplaced them. If it's no trouble for you, could you...?"

"No trouble at all." Bob gets out 2 index cards from his pencil bag and a blue pen. He writes down his number one of them, and his address on the other. "By the way, I found the strangest thing during the summer."

"What.... what is it?" Bob looks up at him.

"Well... Nevermind."


"Well, it's better shown than told. How about I show you after school?"

"U-Uh... Sure. " The bell rings, sending a frightened and unexpected chill down Bob's spine. He groans slightly, gathering his stuff to head to his first period. Bosip grabs his stuff as well. Bob and Bosip have almost all the same classes. The teacher starts her class by telling everyone what seats they'll be sitting in. The class groans. When the class is sat down, Bosip tapped Bob's shoulder, who was in front of him. "Can you at least give me a hint?!" he whispers to him.

"Nope. You gotta wait!"

"What if I hate waiting!?"

"We both know that's not true!"

"But what if it was?"

"I still wouldn't tell you."

"Bob, you little-"

"Bob, Bosip!! Unless you two are teaching the class, you must listen. Unless you want to teach the class." Everyone started staring at them, giggling under their breath, doing the dumb, annoying 'oooooooooooooh,' sound whenever someone in the class gets called to the teacher's desk, or the principal's office, like as if they were still that age. Bob looks at Bosip. Bosip looks down at his bunched-up hands, clinging onto his yellow cardigan. His glasses, getting steamed up from the hot tears of embarrassment he is holding back.

"Strange how you call the name of the smartest kid in here."

"I didn't." the teacher counters. "And exactly who said YOU were the smartest?"

"Who said I was the smart one?" Bosip looks up at him. "What if he was just tryin' to help me?"

"You are capable of listening to a simple lesson, are you not?"

You Will Always Be the One (Bob x Bosip)Where stories live. Discover now