We both sat at the table to eat with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice giggling about silly things.
"Something smells delicious" I heard over the sound of Serenitys laughter. I looked up surprised to see Tate standing at the doorway to our kitchen.
"You're home early, want some homemade pizza?" I asked as we seemed to have made loads.

"I'm going to work in the home office this afternoon" he said coming over to grab a slice of pizza. His eyes lit up as he took a bite. "This is delicious!" He said looking over to Serenity "Did you make this?" He asked her. Serenity giggled pitting her arms up for Tate to pick her up "Date" she called him.
"Hello mischief maker!" He said as he cuddled her, messing up her hair as he pulled away and smiled at her, getting flour on his suit in the process! Oops maybe I didn't clean her up as well as I thought I did!!

Watching Tate with Serenity did something strange to me. There was something undeniably attractive seeing his strong muscular arms holding a child so carefully and making her smile. I've never really thought about having children but my mind wondered thinking about what he would look like holding our child. I yearning tugged in my heart and I swear my ovaries got excited!! I was snapped out of my weird thoughts when I realised Tate was staring at me obviously waiting for a response to something.

"Sorry, what?" I asked a little embarrassed at my overactive imagination!
"I was just wondering how Serenity here ended up gracing you with her presence?" He asked again, slightly amused at my dazed state. I explained the situation whilst plating him up some pizza and loading the dishwasher. Tate left with his pizza to finish work in his office and Serenity and I started doing some drawing, I even found some stickers. I cut out different shapes in coloured paper and she glued them on the get well card we were making for her Nana. Tate had come in and out a few times to grab a snack or a drink and I noticed him watching us with a faraway look on his face.

Serenity finished her card and began yawning so we left it on the side so the glue could dry and decided to snuggle up on the sofa and watch The Little Mermaid. She laid down on my lap and I covered her with a thin blanket, and within 10 minutes she had fallen asleep. I watched the whole of The Little Mermaid, I hadn't seen it since I was little when my parents were alive and I forgot how much I had loved it. I handed Serenity to Yazmina when it was time for her to go and she thanked me for my help but I thanked her for allowing me to babysit, I had had a lovely day with her.

Tate was in the doorway watching us again and when he noticed me looking at him he coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at being caught staring then just walked away quickly before I could say anything. Confused I said goodbye to Yazmina and Serenity, although she was still fast asleep so she didn't hear me. I told Yazmina I'd be happy to have her anytime and made a mental note to get some toys and books for the next time she came.

I went to the office to find Tate as I wasn't sure where we would be going for dinner tonight and wasn't sure what to wear. The door was open when I got there so I just stood in the doorway not wanting to be rude and just stroll in. He was deep in thought but by the slight tilt of his lips and dreamy look on his face it didn't look like they were bad thoughts. I cleared my throat to get his attention unintentionally making him jump in the process.

"Hello Brooke," he smiled at me momentarily distracting me with the youthful happiness radiating off of him.
"Uh, Hi Tate." I quickly said before getting lost in his full kissable lips and perfect white teeth.

"I was just wondering where we were going tonight, wasn't sure what to wear." I did a weird sort of giggle thing embarrassed by my question somehow then made it worse by snorting at the end! My face tinted an even darker shade of red when I heard the loud bellow that came from Tate.

A Penny For The GirlOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara