Chapter 8

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Phil POV:

Today was the day, it's our two year anniversary!
It feels nice to know that techno and I have been together for a long time in human years. Though I do want to tell the others... WAIT that's what we could do! We can tell the rest of the dream smp , though unfortunately wilbur had to find out.. in a different way..

Wilburs POV:

I have been walking in the snow for such a long time! It's fucking cold! I need to find Phil and technos home. God.. I haven't seen techno for a good year or two,
I might be able to see him! Orrr he could be out on one of his "training adventures" again... welp!

After a little bit more travelling in the snow I finally found they're house, I get up the stairs and reach for the door handle but I hear something "a moan?..." I say out loud to myself, I figured it was nothing and walked in without a care in the world...
I should of listens to my instinct and not gone in-

Techno POV:

I held onto phils thighs as I roughly thrust into him on our kitchen island  "TECHN- ahh~" he moan out loudly, I keep my head in the crevice of his neck sucking and biting here and there, after a while of Phil making his beautiful sounds I hear something outside, it's probably nothing, maybe one of the crows.
After a few seconds phil shouts "RED Techno! Wilbur... hi mate" he says pulling himself up slightly so he looks more confident if what just happend, I look up and stop after phils says 'red' , I look up to see Wilbur looking at us as if we were ghosts, well all the color in Wilburs face was gone ,he looked more like a ghost the us, I try not to burst into laughter, but I fail... miserably. I pull out of Phil laughing my ass of , I pull my and phils trousers up and walk over to him extending my arms, " welcome home son give your father a big hug!" I laugh out , hes trembling looking me straight in the eye still clutching onto the door knob, he smiles and laughs and he hugs me with hesitation of corse . After we separate from the hug I hear Phil say from behind me "ok I get your having a father-son moment over there but I need some help walking and getting up techno " I chuckle.
I walk over to him , pulling him into my arms with him hugging me, he snuggles his head into my chest but then he says something into my chest though it is muffled, "what did you say birdy?" I say , he lifts his head up a bit and speaks " why is Wilbur here? And my legs hurt, can you pick me up?"     " good point " I say picking him up so he can rap his legs around my waist   " Wilbur " I say looking up at him "why are you here?"
"Well I was wanting to have a chat with you and Phil but I think you where a bit busy.. il just come back another time when your not..." he gestures toward us , " all right I get it , how about Thursday ?" I say looking down at Phil slightly, "yea sure that would be nice" he say nodding and turning around to walk out "oh and Wilbur!" I say making him turn around " don't tell anyone ok?" I tell him, he smiles and nods "of course"

Hey you horny fuck! It's been a while hasnt it? Well I'm back and I'm going to be post a bit more, maybe 1 or 2 times a week (we'll see how I'm feeling)
Alsooo sorry I haven't posted in so long it's just my life was a little chaotic for a while and I've been pretty tired , but no need to worry .
Well bye bye you horny fucks

"Techno?!" A techza smut book (trans phil)Where stories live. Discover now