Chapter 7

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Techno POV:
I laugh looking down at Phil, " let's get you cleaned up.." I say , Phil nodded still panting slightly.

Slowly pick him bridal style and carrying him to the bath room , I put him on the sink counter top and start to run a bath , I go back out grabbing some clothes for me and Phil

I walk back in to the bathroom and put the clothes down next to Phil , i then pick him up and get in the bath putting him on top of me, he leans down pecking me on the lips " I love you techno" he says in a loving tone, I look straight into his eyes and respond " I love you too your tired lets clean you up" I grab the soap bottle next to me and squeeze some onto my hand , then I start to scratch and rub the soap into phils hair.

After getting washed I hold Phil up getting out of the bath with him in my arms, I grab 2 towels and start to dry him of after placing him on the sink.

After getting him dressed and getting myself dressed and dried, I grab Phil in my arms and walk out of the bath room and place him on the bed , getting in and spooning him.

After a while of me playing with his hair waiting for him to go to sleep , he turn around and hugs me, a while after that he fall asleep, I fall asleep a bit after.

Phil POV:

I wake up feeling something warm around me , I slowly open my eyes and I'm greeted with a beautiful sight, it's techno with his hair messed up and with the light from the window shining on his face, I blush and smile remembering last night .

I cuddle up to him, making him stir in his sleep , waking him up, he open his eyes looking at me with a loving smile, he sit up bring me with him onto his lap.

I rap my arms around his neck and kiss him, he kisses back gently, I separate our lips looking into his eyes affectionately , I try to get up but I'm held down on his lap "techno I need to go make breakfast" I say
"Not know.." he says in a stern tone
"Fine but only ten minutes" I say , he puts his arms around my waist and puts his face in the crevice of my neck.

15 minutes later

"TECHNO LET ME GO!-" I laugh out because he's tickling me , after a few more minutes he finally let go of me , I got up after a bit going downstairs only in pair of boxers and one of technos shirts.

Techno POV:
After a bit I walk out of our room to the kitchen seeing Phil washing some blueberries, I smile looking at him while sitting down at the dining table, after a while he dries of the berry's and grabs some sort of mixture and puts the blueberrys in it he then bends down and grabs a frying pan putting it on the stove and started making pancake

(I know all the fics have pancakes but shut up)

After making all them he puts them on two plates , he then poured some tea from the kettle into two cups .

He turns around looking at me smiling, he grabs the plates putting one in front of me and the other on the opposite side, he hands me one of the cups of tea sitting down on his chair.

We start eating in peaceful silence , watching Phil eat , and start up a conversation
"Soo~ how's your back?" I say calmly, Phil chokes on his drink for a second, he looks down
"F-fine .... techno?"
"Yes birdy?"
"What are we?" He says looking up at me
"What do you mean? Were
"No tec-" he giggles
"No I mean our... relationship"
"Oh- I mean where dating, are we not?"
"Wait we are?" He says blushing and smiling
" of corse birdy, or do you not-"
"I DO." He says getting up from the table , running over to me then sitting on my lap and kiss me.

So that's gonna be it for a while until I get some inspiration! (or you guys could give me some ideas?)
Bye bye you horny fucks

"Techno?!" A techza smut book (trans phil)Where stories live. Discover now