Chapter 19: The Plan

Start from the beginning

"Britta? Are you still there?"

"Ah yes, I'm here. I'm thinking. Erm, what if you bring her somewhere during the summer break? You can have a holiday with her and also her family. You tell her parents first that you want to confess what you feel about her and see what their reactions are. If they give you the green light, then it's time for you to say it to her. But please don't force her and you should take things at her pace instead. Do you agree with my idea?"

Seb smiled broadly. He liked the idea a lot. He knew that he asked to the right person. "I think that I'm gonna take it. But where should I bring them to? I want a private place and if that's possible, it's still in Germany."

"It's quite easy. Where do you want to go? A beach? I'm sure that there are some private beaches there."

"That sounds good. But maybe not too far from Düsseldorf."

"Okay. If you agree, then I'll search for some options. And then I'm gonna share it to you."

"Yeah, I'll wait for that. Also, I want you to arrange all of it when I've decided where I'll go to."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna handle it."

"Thanks a lot for your help, Britta. Oh, I'm also going to tell you that I'll have dinner with them tonight. Magdalene invited me."

"Oh, that's nice! Seems like they are a very nice family. I should meet them very soon."

"Of course you should," he laughed a little. Then, he scratched his neck. "Erm, do you have an idea what I should bring to their house?"

Britta chuckled. He was like someone who was about to date for the first time but still had no idea what he should and shouldn't do. "Some cakes? Fruits? I don't have much idea for it."

"Yeah, maybe some fruits. This morning when I visited their house, Magdalene gave me a slice of cheesecake that she made. She told me that it was low fat and I didn't have the heart to refuse it. Please don't tell it to Antti."

"Okay, okay, my lips are sealed."

Seb thanked Britta once again for giving him help and she made sure that she was going to tell him as soon as she found information of some beaches that were close to Sam's residence.


Seb smiled as he found the store where he would buy some fruits at, which was named Fast n Fresh. When he entered the store, the place wasn't too crowded as it was only about half an hour before the store closed.

A blonde woman whom he thought was a waitress approached him and smiled. "Good evening. Can I help you?"

"Yes. I want to buy a fruit hamper for a friend's family," he replied.

"Sure. We have boxes and baskets. Which one do you prefer?"

"Can I see it first?"

She nodded. "Of course. Just follow me."

The waitress led him to the shelves where some nice boxes and baskets were displayed. After considering it, he chose a large cardboard hamper box with green colour. Then, he also mentioned some fruit varieties that he wanted to buy.

He paid attention when she wrapped the hamper with clear cellophane and tied it with curling ribbon. Then, he glanced at her face. She seemed a bit familiar to him, but he didn't know where he saw her before. He shrugged a little. Maybe she was an F1 fan and he accidentally met her somewhere.

When she almost finished, Seb walked to the cashier to pay it. Then, he walked back to the waitress and waited. She handed it to him right after she finished wrapping it.

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