+Chapter 7+

301 20 2

Word Count: 1,757
Had quite a hard time
writing this-
Couldn't exactly think of what
to do for this chapter

Philza walked out the guest room that Abigail and Jackson let him sleep in, walking into the kitchen. Abigail had been awake for a while now, sitting at the table and drinking a cup of coffee. She had gone to the Over World to grab groceries and such to prepare what she planned on making for lunch later on that day. In the center of the table, there was a stack of pancakes on top of a plate, still hot since Abigail had finished making them around 2 minutes ago. There was also a separate plate with a few muffins.

"Good morning Abigail," Philza greeted, grabbing a mug and pouring some coffee for himself. He sat down at the table, grabbed a plate and got two pancakes. "Good morning, Phil! Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did, I'm assuming Jackson is off working?" He asked. Abigail nodded, standing up and pouring a bit more coffee into her mug. "What about Sapnap and Olive, are they still asleep?"

"I think so, they came back home really late last night," she responded, sitting back down. Philza hummed, a small smile appeared on his face as he thought about how happy Sap was when they arrived back home. Oh he just couldn't stop talking about his aunt that he met, confirming that he was Abigail's and Jackson's son. How cool it was to ride on the Hoglins and talking with the many Piglins that wandered around. Being able to talk to the Endermen somehow, teleporting everywhere with them.

He was curious when he would find out about his powers and how to use them. He seemed so excited, wanting it to just happen already. "What are you smiling about?" Abigail asked, tilting her head to the side. "I don't know...seeing Sapnap being all happy and excited about finding out this part of himself makes me feel happy, yesterday was his birthday and us doing a tiny little celebration for him last night when he came back..I can tell he appreciated it and is glad to be here with you."

"Yeah, Jackson and I are glad he came, we really do appreciate you bringing him to us, especially on his birthday. Seeing him is the happiest moment I have ever had, I know that Bad and Skeppy are going to come and take him back at some point but at least we got to be with him for a day," Abigail said, grabbing the now empty plate and mugs and placed them in the sink.

"Yeah, they must be worried sick. They've always been protective over him when they saved him from that person who took him from you," Phil said, helping with putting the already clean dishes into their spots.

"We should wake him up, you two should head back to the Over World, I bet you guys have stuff to do," Abigail said. Philza nodded, leaving the kitchen and down the long hallway. He knocked on Olive's bedroom door. After around a minute, he didn't get an answer. He quietly opened the door, entering the room. Sapnap was lying on his stomach, his face buried into a pillow. Olive was laying on top of Sap's back, arms wrapped around him. A warm blanket on top of the two as they peacefully slept.

Phil chuckled and walked towards the bed. He carefully moved Olive off of the ravenette, slightly shaking Sap awake. Sapnap groaned, opening his eyes and staring up at Philza with a tired expression. "Good morning, sleepy head," Philza said with a quiet laugh. Sapnap rolled his eyes, giggling into the pillow.

"Morning," Sap mumbled, lifting himself up with his elbows and sitting on the bed, rubbing his tired eyes. After his vision was no longer blurry, he looked at Phil. "What time is it?"

Unknown Abilities ++ Georgenap/Sapnotfound ++ Demonic_0Where stories live. Discover now