+Chapter 2+

528 27 20

Word Count: 1,898
Two full chapters, yay
I will be working on this
While working on the
smut book
Still same schedule for posts:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday

Having to keep secrets from Sapnap was quite hard. You would think that his friends knew exactly how to keep secrets from him because of how long they've been friends...oh but you're wrong. Yeah, they've been friends for years but they never had to keep secrets from the ravenette.

Even if they tried to, Sapnap always figured it out. He would get suspicious, questions them until they gave up and confessed. It was quite amusing to the boy, made him giggle every single time. Everyone didn't know how much they could take. They would crumble under pressure and say what Bad and Skeppy had told them. They didn't want to do that...even if part of them wanted to tell him.

The one having the most trouble would be George. The brunette always had a huge crush on the ravenette. Probably since they became friends back when they were younger. Dream always knew, he figured his best friend had a crush on the younger male. Though, he only found out that it was true when George had told him when they were around their teenage years.

Since he had those feelings for the boy, it felt like he was lying to him. Having to keep this big secret, knowing that Sapnap wanted to know his real parents...see them...be able to hug them...it was like a dream of his, and it seemed like for George that he was keeping Sapnap from achieving it. It hurt him to think that the ravenette would hate him when or if he found out. He couldn't help but think of all the things that could possibly happen if someone did tell Sap.

However, they didn't have to worry...for now. Sapnap didn't have a clue that everyone was hiding that information from him. He didn't suspect anything, he couldn't even tell that they were all nervous and would freak out whenever he asked them if anything new had happened. He just thought that it was normal behavior or that they were feeling slightly off. He's the type to believe anything that his friends told him...but if they lied multiple times, kept things from him multiple times...then he would start to not believe every single thing that he was told.

It's just the way he is. Plus there was no reason as to why they had to lie or keep anything from him..except for this time of course. But what could they do? They couldn't just break the promise that they have made to Bad and Skeppy. What if they full on snap at them? They wouldn't want to make Bad angry, it had happened before and it wasn't pretty.

For now, all they could do was to keep quiet. Make sure not to let Sapnap find out what they were hiding. To not let him get suspicious. And most importantly, do not let him get near fire, lava and don't let him enter the Nether...no matter the circumstance.


Philza had finally returned back to his house, thanking Minx and Sapnap for taking care of his crows. The two had walked out of the building, the gravel and dirt on the ground would make the typically sound people heard while walking down those types of paths. Birds would chirp as they sat on the high trees, cows would moo as they slowly walked passed the two. Sheep would just stare for a second and go back to eating grass. Little bunnies would hop around, spotting Sapnap and Minx, immediately running away with a carrot in their mouth.

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