"Yes. Apparently, they're coming back. I think I heard my mom say they're also going to transfer here."

"They?" Lang Qianqiu asked while tilting his head. Suddenly his face lit up and asked. "Really???"

Xie lian also seemed to get who Yushi huang was referring to as he plastered a big smile on his face as he turned to Mu qing.

Mu qing on the other hand sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Why are they all suddenly coming back." He mumbled. Yushi huang just laughed while Xie lian just pouted.

"Cmon, mu qing. Dont pretend like you didn't miss them." Lang Qianqiu teased.

"I didn't!" Mu qing exclaimed which earned a laugh from his friends.

Hua cheng was still at the vacant bed, confused. 'Huang jie'? also, 'they'? He looked at xie lian who also happened to look at him.

"Ah! Huang-jie, this is my and Mu qing's friend. Hua cheng. San lang this is huang-jie. Uh, Yushi huang also our childhood friend. She's a year older than us." Xie lian introduced.

Hua cheng jud nodded at her while she just smiled at him.

After the introduction, Yushi huang walked closer to Mu qing and placed her hand on his forehead.

"You look pale. Are you sure you can run for the track?" She asked.

"Mhm. This is nothing." Mu qing just responded. Yushi huang has always been caring to them so this is not new for him. She's like a sister to him.

"Okay. Don't push yourself too hard." Yushi huang said and patted his head.

"Ah! It's already 11:32! Archery is starting!" Xie lian exclaimed as he stood up.

"Huang-jie, were going to watch the archer competition. Are you coming with us? Qi rong is also going to be there." Lang Qianqiu offered.

"Okay. I dont have any competitions today anyway."

And with that mu qing got up and fixed his clothes before they started walking toward the archer area which is not too far from there.


The competition is already starting and Feng xin was looking at the stall where the people watching sat.

'Where are they?'

His mind was busy looking for someone that he nearly missed the target at his first shot.

It was now his second shot. He looks bothered by something and it's clear to his teammates and audience.

He took a deep breath when he heard someone talk. "Tsk. How're you going to get gold like that. Asshole."

Hearing this, his mind suddenly regained focus as he smirked and aimed at the target one again. When he let go of the string, the arrow struck the target at the center with on point accuracy.

After the shot, he looked at where the voice came from and saw mu qing. He smirked and mouthed 'Asshole.' Which Mu qing responded with by rolling his eyes.

The competition went by a breeze and Feng xin never missed a shot after that.

After the competition, his team gathered and congratulated each other when a member of the Archer Club approached them.

"Feng xin right? Do you want to join our club and be one of our schools representatives? I can give you time to think about it." He asked.

Feng xin looked at him and accepted the offer right away. And with that, feng xin went to the audience stall and saw Hua cheng, Xie lian, Lang Qianqiu, Qi rong and Mu qing who was talking with a...girl? Feng xin didn't see the girl before so he approached his friends with a confused face.

Do You Hate? •fengqing• Heaven Officials Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu/TGCFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum