Chapter Two: A Situation

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Chapter Two: A Situation
Leozy's POV

My day had started off normal.

I spent the morning with a large, black coffee made from the cafe across the street.

I picked up my mail, made my way to my apartment and spent the rest of the morning reading with my cats until work called.

Half way through my work, at around 3pm, I started to put the things together to make dinner, knowing that I probably wouldn't be done with work until later that night - I figured it was perfectly planned out.

I thought about throwing something together like a roast, but with the cold weather seeping into my apartment livingroom, I decided that a soup would be a good idea.

I continued working after that.

At around 1 am, I realized that my cats had ran out of food and I called it quits on my work. Shrugged on my jacket, placed a kiss on each cat's head along with in depth ear scratches, and then left to go to the 24/7 hour grocery store just down the road.

I took the dirt backroads to avoid the lights and the possibility of drunk drivers on a Thursday night - weird, but anything is possible. I wanted to spare myself the headache.

The cold made my back ache a bit, the bad weather making show of how much I desperately need a new bed.

I went into the store, bought some food for tomorrow's dinner, cat food, and browsed through the book section for a moment before deciding that none of them peaked my interest.

I drove myself home, again going through the back roads before I pulled into my apartment, let myself in, and waved to one of the frequents I see.

From what I've picked up on, he's the boyfriend of some girl here, I saw him a lot grabbing a smoke or getting her mail. I knew he wasn't old enough, but after only 4 years with a cop as a brother - I learned that intruding got me into more shit than needed.

He looked to be just strolling down here, probably waiting for his girlfriend to come down and meet him.

I had gotten into the elevator, pressed the button for the 6th floor. The paper bags in my arms were heavy, and I looked forward to relaxing on my couch - although I'd most likely have to start doing work again.

I got to my floor, walked to my door and shuffled a bit until I got my key out.

I heard the door to the stairwell fly open. It was weird to use the stairs here, but not unknown, I wasn't bothered.

Well, wasn't being the key word.

Being shoved into my own apartment certainly wasn't what I expected to happen, more did I expect to turn around and see a guy in a motorcycle helmet, flick up his visor and press his eye as close as he could to the keyhole.

He was breathing heavy, but also laughing slightly as he slid to the floor.


The shove had caused the ache in my back to make itself known again and the paper bags had flung out of my hands with the momentum of it.

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