What's Wrong With V? -Part 6

Start from the beginning

Jimin felt sick again and grabbed Taehyung's trashcan and threw up in it. He thought he was going to throw up all of his organs. His heart was so broken. He's been so close to us, and he was being abused, and none of us even knew.

Taehyung dug his face into his pillow and started mumbling something that nobody could quite make out.

Yoongi took the pillow away, "Speak up."

"It started the day he came. In his office after dance practice he said he didn't like me. At our recording yesterday ...I wasn't sick. In the dressing room he.." Taehyung had to take a deep breath, "He was hitting me with a belt .. And today.." he pointed to the bruises all over his stomach.

Everyone was livid.

"Today?!" screamed Namjoon, "In our own house?! Why didn't you scream for help Taehyung we were right here!"

Taehyung pointed to the bruises on his neck without saying anything. Jungkook hugged him tightly, "He was choking you?" the youngest began sobbing. There was nothing worse for him in this world than seeing one of his hyungs hurt.

"That's it! Tae if you don't want me to call the police, I'll go take care of him myself! Nobody abuses you, ever!" Yoongi stormed out the bedroom door, and Namjoon ran up behind him, "I'm coming with you. The guy is huge I don't want him doing something to you too." Namjoon knew he was the only member comparable in size to Mr.Hoon.

The rest of them stayed with Taehyung on his bed trying to comfort him. "It's okay. He's never going to hurt you again, and he's not going to hurt our maknae either. You don't have to be scared about it anymore," Jin said reassuringly. Taehyung really wanted to believe that, but now he was scared for Yoongi and Namjoon, " But what if he hurts hyungs?" he cried. "They'll be fine, they'll protect eachother," Jimin reassured him.

Yoongi and Namjoon pulled up to the company and busted through the front doors. "Where is Mr.Hoon?" Yoongi demanded to one of the workers sitting at a front desk. "I believe he's in his office. Everything alright?" the worker asked.

"Fine, thanks." Namjoon told the worker. The two stormed up to the office. Yoongi didn't bother knocking, he opened Mr. Hoon's office door and stormed in to find him sitting at his desk.

"Gentlemen! What are you two doing h-.."

"Shut the hell up!" Yoongi screamed while he ripped his belt off and ran straight up to Mr.Hoon and whipped him on the arm with it. Namjoon let out as gasp of surprise, he definitely didn't expect his hyung to do that, but he didn't stop him. He knew the new manager deserved it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Mr. Hoon yelled as he stood from his chair and backed up.

Yoongi ran over and whipped him with his belt again, "What am I doing?! I'll tell you what I'm doing! I'm doing exactly what you were doing to Taehyung!"

Mr.Hoon tried running for the door but Namjoon blocked it, he was strong enough to push Mr. Hoon backwards away from it. "I think there's been a misunderstanding! " Mr. Hoon yelled.

Yoongi chased him and whipped him with his belt again, " No, we completely understand. We understand how you've been abusing him and telling him to keep his mouth shut!" Yoongi then took all the papers and books off Mr.Hoon's desk and threw them onto the floor. Mr.Hoon ran at Yoongi and pushed him against a wall, he put his hand to the rappers throat and tried choking him but Namjoon ran over and threw Mr. Hoon to the ground. "Don't you dare touch him!" Namjoon demanded while standing over Mr.Hoon.

"That little brat deserved it! I'm telling you he deserved to be beaten! He is nothing but trouble and doesn't listen! Someone had to teach him a lesson since the rest of you wouldn't! I was whipping him into shape, I was doing you all a favor! You should be thanking me!!" Mr. Hoon said defensively.

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