MICHAEL: (dips her down and kisses her passionately)




RACHAEL: (smiles at the thought) (hears a knock at the door)

JAY: (comes in) Rach, everyone's ready downstairs. Dad's waiting for you.

RACHAEL: Thanks Jay. (turns to Mayte) Let's go. (grabs her bouquet and heads downstairs)


The vow renewal.

RACHAEL: (walks in and stands next to Michael)

PREACHER: Rachael and Michael, we take delight in sharing today's very special occasion with you. Lots of folks believe that entering into marriage is the final step in a passionate relationship. The way they see it, a couple meets, gets to know each other, falls in love, decides they want to go through life together, and then take the final step, tying the knot. But the final step in a couple's relationship isn't marriage, it only marks the beginning of a grand adventure that will be long and fruitful for each couple. You've shared the joys, blessings, and yes, the challenges, of married life for 10 years. And, this day, it's your wish to reaffirm your commitment to working together to make your marriage grow and blossom in the years to come. May this ceremony, renewing the vows you took to become husband and wife on your wedding day, remind you that despite the stresses inevitable in every life, your love, respect, trust, and understanding of each other will continue to increase your contentment and heighten your joy in living. Please join hands.

RACHAEL: (takes Michael's hands in hers)

PREACHER: Rachael, will you continue to have Michael as your husband and continue to live in this marriage?

RACHAEL: I will.

PREACHER: Do you reaffirm your love for him, and will you love, honor and cherish her in sickness and and in health, for richer or poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?


PREACHER: Michael, will you continue to have Rachael as your wife and continue to live in this marriage?

MICHAEL: I will.

PREACHER: Do you reaffirm your love for her, and will you love, honor and cherish her in sickness and and in health, for richer or poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?


PREACHER: You may now recite your wedding vows.

MICHAEL: Rachael... When we first met, I didn't know how much my life was about to change. You've brought me nothing but happiness since that day, you've been there for me whenever things were rough. You stood by me every step of the way, and I could not be more grateful. I love you so much.

RACHAEL: Michael, when we met, I was just starting out as a backup singer. I never thought that I'd end up meeting the man that would become my whole world, my life. We've been together for 10 years and yet it seems so much longer. I love you Michael.

PREACHER: On your wedding day, you exchanged rings as a symbol of the never-ending circle of love. Rings serve as a reminder of your wedding vows to each other, and your commitment to living in unity, love and happiness. At this time, it is appropriate to reconfirm the meaning of the rings you wear. Please join your left hands together so that Michael's hand is on top.

When You Were Mine [SEQUEL TO THE GIRL IS MINE]Where stories live. Discover now