Once he got there, Earth greeted him with a big smile and open arms. Mix immediately pushed himself up against the taller man, nestling his head against Earth's shoulder as his arms circled around his best friend's waist. Earth chuckled as Mix breathed in his scent, feeling both warmth and butterflies spread through his veins like a wild fire.

"I missed you," Mix says, muffled against the older's chest, hoping and wishing for the man to kiss his head. If only, Mix told himself.

Earth hums, squeezing the younger back in his hold.

"Have you eaten yet?" Earth asks once they pull away, Mix forcing his feet to walk inside the building. He takes his shoes off, quickly slipping house shoes on his feet as he shakes his head in answer.

"I'm glad," Earth says, only making Mix frown in confusion as he looks up at the older for the reason. Earth rests a nervous hand behind his head as he continues with a sheepish smile, "I was waiting for you to eat together."

Mix stands there in their small corridor in shock, heart rate spiking at the sentence he was told. He feels his heart shatter, only growing bigger and bigger in replacement until his chest swells up with absolute adoration. He looks at the sweet, sweet man in front of him, only falling in love some more. He doesn't realize he had teared up until Earth was right in front of him with his large, comforting hands already wiping his cheeks as his concerned eyes looked down at him with worry.

Mix couldn't hear past the beat of his heart in his eardrums as he read the older's lips, asking him what was wrong. Mix could only shake his head in answer as his own hands came up to hold Earth's own sturdy ones. Earth was strong and warm, so stable in Mix's flooded world of stress and emotions.

He felt overwhelmed with the amount of pure infatuation he had for the man in front of him, so caring and warm. He didn't know what to do except cry, afraid of what he would say if he opened his mouth. He felt his heart drum against his chest, felt a whirlpool of affection spread through his body, felt himself become engulfed in the being of what was Earth.

Mix was in love. He couldn't tell the man he loved him, however, afraid Earth wouldn't understand; afraid it wouldn't come across as serious and genuine when it was that and so much more for Mix. He wanted to run his hand through the older's hair on a quiet day, feeling the soft strands run smoothly like a waterfall through his fingers; he wanted to outline the veins on Earth's arms, leading him down to the warmth of his palm before interlocking them in a comforting grip; he wanted to be able to stare into Earth's beautiful, brown eyes and confidently tell him what and how he felt.

If only he could, he tells himself. If only he had the courage, if only he had the right words, if only he could just show it.

"If only I could kiss you," his lips caved out without much thought, focused on keeping the rest of his emotions below his heart where it couldn't be seen.

Mix stared into Earth's shocked eyes with his matching own once he registered what he had confessed out loud, fear quickly invading his vision as he looked away. Mix felt his heart race faster from panic, eyes frantically moving from the wall behind the taller male to the floor as his brain searched for an excuse to explain what he had just blurted out.

Before he could even open his mouth, Earth cuts into the panicked silence, "You can."

Heart frozen, Mix's eyes snapped back up to the older as he stared at his friend in surprise. Earth was stoic, looking back at Mix with no emotion to read on his features. They stare at each other a while longer as Mix feels the tips of his fingers burn with anticipation. This was his chance, his moment to put every ounce of emotion he felt for the older into the kiss, to make Earth understand his every feeling.

"You can't take it back now that you said it," Mix tells him, feeling his fright get replaced with nervousness.

Earth doesn't reply, only bringing a singular hand to hold Mix's cheek. Mix watches Earth's eyes scan his face before stopping to look at the spot his thumb was circling softly on the younger male's skin before moving to stare at the his lips. Mix unconsciously licks them from the attention, feeling himself blush under the older male's gaze.

"I want to kiss you too," Earth confesses, serious and genuine as he tipped his head forward to rest on the shorter male's before looking back up into Mix's eyes.

Mix feels his heart pound against his heart, feels his legs wobble from nervousness from what Earth was saying and what this was leading to. Mix licks his lips once more, anxiously waiting for Earth to close the rest of their distance.

"Can I kiss you?" Earth asks, only a few centimeters from Mix's face. He still had one hand cupping Mix's cheek while the other rests on Mix's hip softly. Mix feels the area burn under Earth's touch, his own hands coming up to hold onto the older's muscular arms as he shuts his eyes to memorize the feeling of the man he loved holding him so intimately.

"Yeah," he answers, coming out no louder than a whisper. He clears his throat, nodding his head this time as he repeats, "Yes."

And Earth does, squeezing his grip on Mix's hip before tilting his head to the side and closing the short distance between them.

Mix hears himself gasp when Earth's lips lands on his, the older's scent invading his entire headspace, intoxicating him before he feels the warmth of Earth's mouth on his as he melts himself against him. They fit perfectly, like they were made for each other.

They held their mouths together for a short moment before Mix moved his lips first, testing the waters as he properly kisses the taller male. He was warm and soft against Mix's lips, only making the younger want to taste him more. Mix's hands travel to the older's shoulders and circle around his neck, fingers gripping the baby hairs there like he's always imagined as Earth leans down to kiss him back just as feverishly.

Their lips move in familiarity, having already kissed once before for their series, but this was real. This was them. They moved with urgency, like their moment would end soon and this was their one chance to express their urges. Mix could feel Earth's hot breath against his own, could hear every sound of their mouths connecting, and could taste the need from the older male too, only making his brain lose its rationality.

Kissing Earth was everything Mix was anticipating and more - he was warm and hot, soft and harsh, sweet and spicy. He was addicting to taste or maybe Mix was hungry for more, leading the man to stand on his tippy-toes to push up against the taller male. He shoves Earth to the wall behind him as he frantically follows with his lips to catch the older's, never wanting to separate. He grips Earth's shoulders, feeling the tense muscle underneath his fingertips.

Earth's own hands came up to hold Mix's head, cradling the younger so he could kiss him better, deeper. Earth kisses him like he wanted to eat him, making Mix mewl out a embarrassing, "P'Earth". Mix shudders when he feels Earth lick at his bottom lip, immediately opening his mouth in invitation. Their tongues instantly meet, exploring and tasting in hot fervor.

Just as Mix was falling into the exhilarating feeling of kissing Earth, he feels something brush up against his leg. Jumping away from Earth with a loud yelp, he looks down at the culprit that scared him and sees Big Ben looking right back up at him with his big, doe eyes.

The little kitty meows again, getting up to nuzzle around Earth's feet this time. Mix watches Earth coo, bending down to pick his baby up and hugging him close to his chest as he stands.

"I think he wants some attention," Earth says, sounding completely fine as Mix was struggling to get his breathing to normal after what they were just doing. He couldn't reply as his brain was still in a daze, too high from their kiss to come up with a coherent sentence as his heartbeat sounded loud against his ears.

"I'll go see what the other kids are doing," Earth speaks again, not looking up at Mix before stalking off further down the corridor. Mix watches him go silently, still panting as he brings a hand to touch his lips. He still feels the older there, hot and wet, addicting and electrifying. He still wants to kiss him.

If only he knew what Earth was thinking now.


[writer's note: i'm planning on making a continuation of this as a separate oneshot fic!]

earthmix | oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora