The End is Endless

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   "He did all that..?" Crayola asked tears dripping off her cheekbones. 

   Matthew nodded tapping his thumbs together. "He did..."

   "So theres what... 15 universes here? What are you gonna do?" Seven asked. 

   "I don't know." Matthew sighed. 

   "Why can't you do what you did last time?" Crayola rubbed Matthew's arm lightly.

   "A Hard Reset would put everyone into a separated vulnerable state. James has the Virus on his side..."

   "I see..." Crayola muttered looking at the ground. 

   Crayola sniffled and looked down. "What about... Those rifts we closed before Matthieu came here. Those connected to other Multiverses right?"

   "Those were caused by a cataclysmic event. I can't create one naturally."

   Seven had been rather quiet. "Matthew... The anti-void surrounds the Omniverse usually... right?"

   Matthew blinked looking toward the older twin. He nodded. 

   "And the Anti-void also surrounds Multiverse's? What if... The white cracks you saw during the split was the Anti-void seeping through?" 

   Matthew blinked. 

   "What are you talking about Seven..?" Crayola asked with a confused frown.

   "I'm saying. The Anti-void surrounds a Multiverse. Could you use it to access the other ones?"

   Matthew blinked again. "Seven. That's genius!" Matthew jumped up patting his head. 

   "I try." Seven shrugged. "Hey when you save the Omniverse can you tell the chat that I won another bet? They don't believe me when I say it anymore." 

   Matthew smiled at the kids ability to joke during this. "Sure thing kid. Thanks for the idea." Matthew opened a portal to the endless white and stepped through.

   In a way, Matthew hated this place. Hated the way this place affected his husband. Just the though of Karma's old home made his husband nauseous. Moving into the castle had freed Karma from whatever Stockholm like attachment he had here. 

   Matthew looked around at the endless whiteness. He picked a direction... and started walking. And walking... And walking...

   It was so lonely here. No Karma, No Matthieu, not even Viral. He could see how someone would go insane here. Time was non-existent and people were nowhere. The kindest person could be corrupted here. 

   Matthew hated being alone. After he ended his self-made vow... he never wanted to be alone. And yet he still put himself through another three years of self contained exile. Was he destined to be alone..?

   Matthew knew he was spiraling. His thoughts wandered deeper and deeper as he walked. He thought about his father. He thought about his siblings. He thought about his children's. He thought about Karma. He thought and thinking too much had always been a bad thing. 

   Matthew thought about his father again. His father made the Virus. His father made his power spiral out of control. His father made the Lost Generation disappear. His father paid for Matt's torture. His father used his mother. His father abused his brother. His father caused everything!

   And when he was young Matthew had always been compared to his father. He was just like his father. He thought about what he had done. He killed Matthieu. He hid away like a coward after the first Shatter. He let his multiverse spiral out of control. He had turned the Omniverse into turmoil. He had neglected Cypher and abused Maxwell. He was just like his father! 

   Matthew stumbled over his own feet and clutched his hands over his ears. The lack of noise was deafening. He was going to die here. He was sure that his mind was going to rip itself apart and he'd become a corpse lost to the endless end that was the Anti-void. He laid on his side and pulled his knees close. This was never a way he considered when he thought about his death...

Scripted: And Omniverse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now