My Masterpiece

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   The banquet was a tense event. Rachel had clearly tried to help the seating the best she could. She was at the head of the table with Yasmin to her left and her father to the right. Charlene was next to James followed by Matthew, Karma, their four kids, and Matthieu and his family. The other side after Yasmin was Mint, Skylar, Peter, Charlie along with Fortune and their two kids, and the Miraculous twins on the end. 

   There wasn't much talking... When someone did talk they were shut down by another person immediately. Everyone seemed on edge, even the people who were on good terms before. 

   "This is a nice evening Rachel." Charlene smiled softly trying to ease the tension. "You're doing a wonderful job."

   Rachel smiled. "Thanks mum. I had some big shoes to fill."

   "And some big mistakes to fix." James hissed pointedly staring at Charlie. 

   Charlie met the glare suppressing the shiver that ran through him. "I don't know if you remember but Matthew already cleared my name to you Father." 

   "That's sir James to you," James snarled out clearly unhappy. 

   "You aren't the king anymore. You can't give me orders," Charlie hissed.

   The tension could be cut with a knife. 

   James had gone completely rigid. "Matthew. How could you let this murderer out of prison."

   Matthew swallowed. "It wasn't my decision Father. Rachel is the queen. I advocated for him because he saved Rune's life and Cypher and Maxwell's indirectly." 

   James was seething practically. In life he had always been such a calm man. It was strange to see him so worked up over this... "You were supposed to be king!"

   The entire room went silent. Matthew could see the pain on Rachel's face and the way Charlie flinched when James yelled. He frowned and opened his mouth but was beat to it. 

   Matthieu had always been protective of the younger siblings... "How dare you! Rachel is the best Queen the Center could ask for! Mattie already said he didn't want to be king so why are you so hung up over it!?" 

   James stood unfurling his wings and glaring. "I should have had the guards kill you when I paid them." His voice dripped with venom and his eyes burning with liquid green fire. His words hung in the air like an echo. 

   Matthew doesn't remember getting up. He doesn't remember his fist connecting with James' face. He does remember staring down at his father. The punch did little but shock his father due to his being dead. "You What?

   James seemed to realize what he said. A look flashed his face before he pushed himself up. "Of course I did. You ruined the power I gave you when you made him. Why would I want to keep him around?" 

   Matthew hadn't felt anger like this in... he couldn't remember. "How could you?"

   Viral was out of his seat next. "Father..." 

   "I made you! I made you to be my masterpiece! I created that Virus to make you powerful! I fought a war over you! YOU WERE PERFECT! You ruined it and I spent years just trying to replace you with failure after failure! THESE FAILURES SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE!" 

   Matthew lunged grabbing his father by the collar. "SHUT UP! You shut your mouth. Don't talk about them. IT WAS ALL YOU!

   "Father!" Viral tried again. Fear prickled his body. After James' reveal he realized what the thing in the code was. 

   James' eyes burst into green flames. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY MASTERPIECE!" He tossed Matthew off and into Matthieu. A familiar figure glitched into being behind James. "This Virus was supposed to make you powerful."

   Matthew snarled as Matt helped him up. "It ruined my life. It ruined Matthieu's life. And now I find out that is was YOU!"  


   The ground began to rumble as cracks split the room. The castle walls began to crumble.

   Mattie, Matt, and Charlene all froze in place. This was a familiar event to them... White began to seep through the cracks. Karma caught on. "Mattie!"

   The cracks tore open fully separating the room and the people in it. 

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