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Villagers-Catch him he should not run away we will kill him today he has trouble us a lot

Guy-Save me save what should I do where should I hide oh god help me pls like you helped me since childhood

Villagers-No one's going to save you today lets see who will save you we will see him also

Mahir Sehgal- Hero

Bela Khan- Heroine

Zubera khan- Bela's Mother

Shahzin Khan- Bela's Father

Vishakha Qureshi- Bela's Sister

Vikrant Qureshi- Vishakha's Husband

Saksham kumar- Mahir's Friend

Mrinal kumar- His wife

Mrinal kumar- His wife ______________________________________

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Mahir ______________________________________

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Meet you in the next one till then

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Meet you in the next🤗💖



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