"When I spilled wine on the David Bowie shirt, right?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips as I relax a little. 

"That was my favorite t shirt so why not steal yours?" I go along with his story. 

"How are you two not tired of this rivalry yet?" Zayn asks, chuckling a little. 

"We just keep finding new ways to get under each other..." Harry says, drawing out the 'r' sound. 

"..'s skin." He finally finishes his sentence.

I give him a look, pursing my lips. But he just smiles like a kid stealing a cookie, and winks at me. 

"Everyone else should be here soon, they were right behind me." Harry says, referring to Liam, Amber, and Willow. 

"You mean we're all actually going to be on time for once?" Zayn asks, "Wow." 

"Don't get used to it," Harry tells him, then looks back over to me with a knowing smile, causing a shiver to run up my spine at what he's insinuating. 

I have to look away from his piercing green eyes and take a deep breath in. I cannot be thinking about that right now. 

I can't be thinking about his toned chest and stomach, covered in tattoos and glistening with sweat.

I can't be thinking about the way he looks at me with pure hunger, the way his pink lips leave kisses all over me.

I can't be thinking about our bodies twisting together in the bedsheets, hot and messy and violent.

...Damn it. I'm thinking about it, aren't I?

"Helloooo? Spencer?" Niall's voice snaps me out of whatever trance I had been in. 

"Sorry, what?" I say, a bit too quickly. I was really in another world just then...

"We were talking about all of us grabbing some food together after this. Do you want to join?" He asks. 

"Who's all going?" I ask. I don't know if I can handle being around Harry right now, especially in a small group. Just being here with him now is causing my heart rate to pick up. 

"Literally all of us. Liam just texted a confirmation for him, Amber, and Willow." He tells me, and looks at me expectantly. 

Everyone is going? Well shit, now I have to say yes.

"Yeah, of course." I nod, only agreeing because it would be weird for me not to go. 

"Great, I'll make arrangements." Niall smiles. 

"No, I will." Harry tells him, pulling out his phone and typing on it. 

Niall doesn't argue with him on this, or even look upset. He just nods like it was stupid for him to make the arrangements in the first place. 

I step closer to Niall and talk lowly. 

"Why'd you just let Harry take over like that?" I ask, "No offense." It seems like everyone just lets Harry do and say whatever he wants. And I don't really like the idea of Harry walking all over my friends. 

"Harry has the connections to make sure we're not bothered by paparazzi or anything. I don't know exactly how he does it, but it makes all of our lives so much easier." Niall shrugs. 

I sigh a bit at this. Harry and his fucking 'connections.' 

At least we won't have to deal with paps and fans. 

"I hope you picked something good." I say to Harry, my tone implying that I don't have faith in his choices.

"I did." He says, giving no more information. He then leans over and whispers raspily in my ear. "Besides, I doubt you'll even be thinking about the food, sunshine."

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