Chapter thirteen - The Good, The Bad and The Okay I Guess

Start from the beginning

"Obviously not dick face."

"We will have to fix that."

"Fuck off. What do you grease monkeys want?"

"Miss Stark, you are in the perfect position right now for us to bring Hydra back to its once glorious reign. With the right time we are going to create our own super solider, one that will bring shield to ground. And you my dear sweet girl - are the perfect candidate."

"You can re-fucking-think that plan. I'd rather stick bleach in my eyes than work for you."

"She has spirit. We will have to break it."

Florence watched as they all circled in. 

Picking her up as she kicked and screamed, biting into one of their arms. 

"Get off me dickhead."

Laughing the carried on walking her down the corridor.

When arriving at a bright red door she stopped a sharp sting in the back off her neck.

"We will fix you Miss Stark. Greatness will succeed you."

That was when darkness overwhelmed.

--------------------------- Time Skip ---------------------------------

She had woken up to being strapped to what looked like a dental chair. 

Her body was paralysed and her mind blank. It had been like this for the last few days. Waking up to no one there. Not being able to move. She would be fed stale bread every three days she had worked out. 

However, today she could feel something different in the air. When being fed the man had seemed more excited. More on edge.

She had no clue why, accept that it would end up in pain and misery.

That was when she had felt it. This excruciating burn carry through her body. It started in the tips of her fingers. Then reached her arms. Her legs. Her feet. It enveloped her body. Constant burning. 

Tears formed in her eyes and a scream left her throat.

But it didn't stop there. 

Her throat started to close. And she felt herself sputter water all over floor. Buckets full of water were being thrown up everywhere. The feeling of drowning. 

Then the ground started shaking. Large rumbles radiated everywhere. 

Objects flew around, crashing into the walls.

Florence was completely lost in the pain and confusion.

In that moment she begged for death. Craved it infact. Anything to stop the agony. 

It felt like someone was stubbing cigarettes on her skin but then putting freezing cold water on top. Steam smoked from her. 

It was like this for four painstakingly long hours. 

And then everything stopped.

The objects fell to the floor.

The fiery pit inside her cooled down.

The salty sea water which had been caught at the back of her throat swallowed down.

"What the hell is going on?"


"Let me out."


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