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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Strong, noble and powerful

Ethnicity: American

Height: 8'3 inch        251.46 cm

Age: 5204,696 years

Looks: Has cat ears and tail(lion), sharp canines, dark blue(almost black) spreading up her arms and legs, short & burgundy hair, red eyes, dark red tongue, her ears have multiple peircings all over them, multiple skull tattoo's, marking on body(like nezuko's ivy), everytime she uses her power dark lones spread around her eyes, scars all over her body, long and sharp retratible nails, and her eyes turn into slits whe she is angry.

Personality: Sassy, motherly, a little bit psychotic, good at alot of combate, badass, timid(to some people), smart, honest, trust issues, and she deosn't succumb to munipulation.

Powers/Weapon: Light saber, she can bring back the dead but has to sacrifiece someone in return, can swallow heads whole, sandpaper tongue, can turn into a lion, can change into any size she wants (in and out of her different forms), trained in offence and deffence, she can elongate her tongue(kinda like venom), and her tongue coyld have the same effect as Poison Ivy(DC)  if she wanted to.

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