Chapter 1: I Think I Know

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Robins POV:
"Alfred's been taken."
"What?" I almost yell.
"Shhh!" Bruce looks around to see if anyone heard me. "I found this on one of the computers." He hands me a note with the 4 letters 'JHPR'. I just look at it, trying to work out what it meant.
"Do you know what it means?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the paper.
"No, I was hoping you could help with that," he tells me, blushing a bit.
"Are you going to tell anyone?"
"No. It'll be best if no one knows about it. Can you keep it a secret while we find him?"
"Yeah, I can do that." I let a tear fall down my face. Bruce hugs me and I hug back. "If we don't find him, please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone."
"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere," he says, starting to stroke my hair. He lets go of me after a couple of minutes and looks into my eyes. I can tell he felt sorry for me and I knew he wasn't going to brake his promise.
"Come on, we better get back to the team before they assume the worst. And remember, not a word, no matter how much you want to tell them. Got it?" he says sternly. I nod and we walk back into the main room. Bruce goes and stands with his with team and I plonk down on the couch and watch static with Conner.
"Hey, are you ok?" Wally asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, wiping the tear away quickly. "Just got something in my eye."
"Ok." is all he says.

Batman's POV
Nobody asks about what I was talking about with Dick, but I can tell that they're worried.
I spoke about our previous mission and how we could do better.
All of a sudden, Kal walks over to me and pulls me away from the group to a rejected corner where no one could hear.
"What happened?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. Just tell me and I can help." I know he is worried, but he doesn't need to be involved.
"It's nothing you should be concerned about."
"You're..." He doesn't finish because the alarm goes off. We rush over to see what is happening. Turns out that the Joker, Penguin and the Riddler have robbed a bank and holding people hostage. I type in the coordinates and send them Kaldur.
"Ok, Kaldur, I've sent you coordinates. We'll meet you there," I say quickly to Kaldur as his device beeps. We all start to leave but Dick signals for me to stay for a moment. Once everyone is gone he starts.
"I think I know what the letters mean."

Alfred's POV:
I cannot see a thing. I hope Master Bruce got the message and was able to figure it out. I see the door across the room from me open and a small figure walk in. She turns on the lights and I squint with the sudden light.
"Oh, I see you're awake there." She says in her annoying high pitched voice. "If you think your master will come and save you, he won't. He's given up." She glares my way.
"Oh really? We'll see about that!" I reply. She glares at me again, turns the light off and leaves me in complete darkness. I pray that they find me in time.

Okay, first chapter done. How'd you like it?

Later my little superheroes,
Me out


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