Chapter 8: Suzuki Kiyoka

Start from the beginning

I stopped kneeling on his back and stood up to smash his face in the ground with my foot knocking him out too. I would like to do more to hurt the four men but the girl is watching and I dont want to risk traumatizing her.

After I dealt with the trash, I turned to the girl who was sitting on the floor, eyes wide.

"U-uh tha-thank you." She stuttered clearly still frightened by the whole thing.

"Sorry if I scared you. I was angry is all."

"No its alright, you didnt scare me. It was cool seeing you give them what they deserved but... I should be apologising to you for the inconvenience..." she stood up with her head down.

"That's nonsense. Anyway, do you have a name?" I asked trying to lift the gloomy atmosphere.

"Ah yes, how rude of me. My names Suzuki Kiyoka. And yours?"

"Suzuki Kiyoka, fits you well." I though for a second, 'She asked for my name so it would be a great opportunity for free food but considering what just happened it would be rude of me...'

"My names L/n M/n nice to meet you." I was a bit disappointed I couldn't get free food but I did just do the same trick to the two toman boys so I guess it would be fine.

"Thank you L/n-San... for saving me." She bowed then looked up with a sweet smile.

"No need for the formality. Just call me M/n."

"Alright then M/n-San."

'It would be better if she dropped the honorifics but it would be dumb if I kept demanding things...'

It was silent for a while and it was slightly awkward too. Before I got annoyed by this fact i decided to ask Suzuki-San something.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

She was caught by surprise by my sudden offer but she accepted none less.

"That would be nice thanks..."

~Time Skip~

We've been walking for a bit now in an enjoyable silence unlike the one before. There was the occasional direction Suzuki-San gave but other than that it was pretty quiet in this part of Tokyo, a rare occurrence. It was obvious to me she didnt live in the best area so she probably has the worry of something like that happening quite often.

"You know, I'm still a bit shaken up from what happend earlier, so I'm glad you took the time to walk me back."

"Its no inconvenience of mine if that's what you're thinking. Any decent person would walk back someone after them going through something like that."

I glanced over to her and saw the slight surprise from what I had said. I doubt she has a good home life. Not only she lives in an area like this but what goes on inside the house probably isnt the best but I shouldn't make any assumptions. Her slight surprise morphed into a sad smile, it was sweet but I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, how about we exchange numbers? Just incase you wanna talk or hang out."

"Mhm. I would like that."

After walking a bit more we reached her home. It was small and reminded me of a place I never want to go back to. It gave me the urge to go in there and check how she was living myself but I knew I shouldn't. Instead I turned to her and passed her my phone, she did the same and we typed in our numbers. Afterwards, we passed them back and said our goodbyes. I didnt want to leave her alone, I wanted to make sure she was definitely okay after tonight but she seemed in a rush to go inside.

~Time Skip~

I arrived back to my house, Suzuki-sans place wasnt too big of a detour to mine, it was only an extra 20 minutes or so.

I took my phone out and looked at the screen to see her contact listed as:

Queen Suzuki

'Seems like the polite and formal Suzuki has a bit of an immature side. That's good to know.' I chuckled softly before putting my phone down on the desk and pulling my shirt off.

'It's been a long eventful day so a nice refreshing shower cant hurt.'

If I said that today didnt drain everything out of me I would be lying. Not only did I run into Chifufu and Tarzan in the morning, go to school, get kidnapped by two blonde delinquents, eat with said delinquents but then also have to beat up some scum in one day. It was exhausting. I'm glad I met Suzuki-San though, she seems nice.

. . .

I imagine Suziku looking like ganyu from Genshin Imapact but obviously no horns.

Thanks for reading!!! 4k+ reads is absolutely insane! I know I say this everytime but it really is.

Also Suzuki wont be a love interest just a friend 😊 I think she'll also be in it alot more if it's a main focus or just in the background but dont hold me on that because my memory sucks and I might forget.

Word count: 1505
27th oct.

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