chapter 2: Not a wall I guess

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Ace P.O.V.

I can't believe it. My eyes are staring into her dark brown ones. My mind has to be playing some kind of trick on me. Just a minute ago she lived in England.... Just a minute ago, she was the girl that I lost.

But here she is, in America, not England. Inside my school in Missouri. My mind can't handle the information. All kinds of emotions are swirling through me.

She got so beautiful these last few years. Not that she wasn't when we were kids, she's just even more pretty then she was back then. She looks so cute as she averts her eyes and blushes.

That's when the teacher speaks. "Okay thank you for the introduction Elizabeth. You may sit down in the free seat next to Ace." Her eyes widens as her head snaps over to the teacher.

"Uhmm yeah no problem." Lizzy shoots her an awkward smile and walks over to me. Excitement grows in the pit of my stomach. No one knows how much I've missed her. I don't even think I know how much myself. I mean, that has to say something right?

But as she sits down and gets her stuff out of her bag she doesn't spare me one glance. I feel a pang in the chest. Doesn't she recognise me? Yeah, I've changed a lot, but still...

I can't keep my mind with what the teacher is saying. All I can think about is Lizzy.

Why won't she look at me?

Why is she here in America and not England?

Is she dating anyone?

I mean, I'd gladly be her boyfriend. Ever since we were 6 I've had this huge crush on her. It was just when I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend that she told me she was going to move to England.

So eventually I decided not to ask her because I kind of didn't see the point in it. We just ended up spending as much time together as we could before she left.

I was unapproachable for the next few weeks as Lizzy's leave was still too fresh. After that I put myself together and went on with life. But up till now I've always kept thinking of her...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as the bell rings announcing we should head over to our next class. I look to my left to see Lizzy already standing up, ready to leave. She walks over to... I think her name is Riley? And together they exit the classroom.

Eddie walks over to my table with a smirk present on his face and pats me on the back. "You've got the hots for the new girl." he states.

"Whaaaat??? Pft no where did you get that from?" I deny rolling my eyes. I really don't want him to know she's my 'beloved Lizzy' as he'd call her. I'd know Eddie since middle school and let me tell you, he is not an easy person to be friends with. At least for me.

 About two years ago I had this thing for a classmate and he went right up to her and asked her out for me. Never been so ashamed in my life when she told him publicly she already had a girlfriend. I had already known she was a lesbian but my idiot friend apparently did not.

He gives me a look.

"Right. I'll just pretend I believe you for now." I stand up and we walk out of the classroom. "But enough about me. Don't think I didn't see you ogling Aisha during class." I say trying to get Eddie's attention on another topic.

he scoffs. "Yeah sure, as if you'd waste your time looking at anything other then the new girl. But it's a good guess. A right one too. And now you've brought it up I might as well tell you how I'm gonna ask her out today." Eddie says with a grin on his face.

He's been asking her out multiple times a week for two years straight now, and every single time he's been turned down. I don't know how he hasn't given up hope yet. she clearly has no feelings for him whatsoever.

I zone out as he rambles on about Aisha as we walk to our next class. My mind already drifting back to Lizzy. She didn't seem to want to talk to me, which kind of hurt. But for every problem there's a solution. I'll just have to sweep her of her feet with my charming personality. Yes, and I've already got the perfect plan.


Lizzy P.O.V.

I walk out of my last class of the day. It was hell. All day long I've been avoiding Ace. Don't get me wrong, because I'd love to talk to him but I guess I'm just too chicken. And even if I would be able to muster up the courage to talk to him, I wouldn't know what to say.

Next thing I know I'm knocked over by a wall.


Okay not a wall I guess. I look in the direction of the former wall and widen my eyes when I see its Ace. Of course it's him. I've literally got the worst luck.

He shoots me a goofy grin. "Looks like we've fallen for each other." .

"What kind of stupid pickup line is that Ace?!" I hiss at him and bring my hand up to my left elbow which had broken my fall. Shit it hurts. What an asshat! Practically attacking me and use some crappy pickup line on me afterwards

Ace follows my hand with his eyes and the expression on his face immediately morphed into a worried one. "Oh shit, Lizzy I'm so sorry. Does it hurt much?" The concern in his tone made all my anger disappear replacing it with a warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

"I'm fine, Ace." I say softly. "But don't try it again you idiot!"My tone sharpened. He frowns. "will do. Just let me help you with the arm."

I sigh. "Alright then, it was your fault so it only seems right you fix it. Besides, I could never stay mad at that stupid face of yours for long. Not back then and apparently not now either." He gives me one of his cute smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder leading me to the exit and his car.


hello everyone, 

sorry for not posting in so long but next to some other books I've got education to worry about and a social life, which is very important. I don't plan on having an updating schedule so I won't post new chapters regularly.

love, brook

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