Chapter 97: You Must Love Me Very Much Then

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In order to confirm her own guess, Irene walked towards the black car. At the same time, the person in charge quickly opened the car door and exited the car.

After getting out of the car, he greeted Irene respectfully before asking, "Miss Bae, are you okay?"

"I am fine. Did she send you here?" Irene asked.

"Yes, she was afraid that you would be in danger," the other party responded respectfully, with a smile on his face.

"You can go back now. I am fine," Irene replied as she smiled.

"We have to make sure that you get home safely before we can finally call it a day."

After listening to his explanation, Irene nodded her head. "Thank you for all the hard work. When I reach home, I will invite all of you in for some tea."

Irene felt so much warmth in her heart because she was unaware that so many people were following her to ensure her safety. Even though Lisa was not around, she felt very protected and she could still feel how much he cared about her.

After Irene returned to the car, Loey immediately said, "Exaggeration."

"You are jealous, aren't you?"

Loey put on his sunglasses before he started to drive.

"Brother, have you ever been in a relationship?" Irene suddenly asked, full of curiosity. "Have you never had a girlfriend even when you were studying abroad?"

Loey was silent for a moment before he quickly changed the subject. "Mind your own business. You are an actress who is struggling to gain fame."


Shortly after Irene and Loey left, Tae Hee got even more frustrated because Sooyoung had already gone to the airport to pick up Park Sunjae and to bring him home.

As soon as Sooyoung and Park Sunjae entered the mountain villa, Tae Hee wanted to leave and find a place to calm herself down, but she was immediately stopped by Sooyoung. "Mommy, are you unhappy that daddy is finally back in the country?"

"No, I am just a little tired."

"Ava, what is wrong with you?" Park Sunjae asked as he put his luggage down and stared at his wife. "All I wanted to do was to give you a surprise. Are you really that unhappy to see me?"

"I am just exhausted because the company has recently accumulated a lot of issues due to your precious daughter."

"Is it really because of me or is it because of your own biological daughter?" Sooyoung replied, trying to sow discord between Tae Hee and Park Sunjae. "Mommy, I can understand that you are not good to me because I am not your biological daughter. However, daddy is your husband and it was so difficult for him to finally make some time to come back here. Shouldn't you be nicer to him instead of showing him this attitude?"

"You have no right to lecture me," Tae Hee screamed at Sooyoung. "I bought this house and it is under my name. If you want to continue living in this house, then shut your mouth right now, Sooyoung. You are testing my limits. Since you know that you are incomparable to my biological daughter, then stop acting like you matter!"


"Don't say anything. I get frustrated as soon as I see your face." After that, Tae Hee returned to her room immediately without showing any affection towards both father and daughter.

"Daddy, look at her! You did not believe me when I told you that she is vicious. Do you believe me now?" Sooyoung asked as she held tightly onto her father's arm.

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