"Well, how about we talk about your teammates?" Kurama suggested.

"Yeah ok, Sakura, I don't really think that she will become a very good ninja, she's just going to get herself killed one day, and even if she does become a good ninja, the only way that will actually happen, is if she lets go of her fan girl self." I said.

"You're not wrong, What about Sasuke?" Kurama urged me to continue.

"Sasuke's not too bad, but he needs to stop acting superior to everyone, and I'm sure that Sakura's fangirling is not really helping his ego. Other than that and the fact that he's hell-bent on revenge, he would be a pretty good ninja overall."

I heard someone faintly call my name a couple of times, "Well, it looks like someone is looking for me, so I must be off, I'll see you again soon."

I left my mindscape, hearing someone call my name again. I followed the voice until I found Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke waiting for me in a clearing in the woods next to Tazuna's house.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, we're going to start training and I wanted to know if you would help me?" Kakashi answered with a question.


I ignored her comment, "Hmmmm, well, I guess I could help, but what's in it for me?" I tried bribing Kakashi.

He sighed, "I'll spar with you after we're finished with them." He blurted out.

That intrigued me, I thought about it for a moment, "Alright, deal, but we are allowed weapons while we spar." I negotiated.

"Fine, Naruto, you train Sasuke, I'll train Sakura." He called over to me while walking away.

"But then I won't be able to show Sasuke-kun how strong I am!!!" Sakura yelled out.

I walked away, not really wanting to deal with her bullshit any longer.

Sasuke followed me to another clearing in the forest.

"Alright, what is your worst subject?" I asked Sasuke.

"Why do you need to know?" He shot back, like the total brat he is.

"Well, if I know your weakness, then I can help you train that weakness until it is no longer a weakness." I answered him like I was talking to a toddler. He didn't seem to like that.

"I'm not a baby, so don't talk to me like that!" He demanded.

"What's the magic word?" I mocked.

He grit his teeth.

"I'm not going to stop unless you ask me nicely." I commented.

"Fine," He forced out, "Please stop talking to me like I'm a little kid."

He didn't really sound like he meant it, but at least he said it, so I'll give it to him, "Arlight."

We started training soon after, we didn't have to train long, the only thing that was difficult was the fact that Sasuke didn't want to listen to me. He still thought that he was better than me.

I had to get in his thick skull that I am a higher rank than him, and that took quite a while. But eventually we got there, he started listening, better than before, although still not perfect, I could work with it.

Other than that, we didn't really have any other problems. We met back up with Kakashi and a distraught looking Sakura, I had to bite my tongue to stop from laughing at her, and we went over what we did and how much they improved.

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