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(Note: this is not Hydro's main antagonists, it's another antagonist, this part was added on 27/10/2021 and this story was part of HITMVTM: Zero Event Backstory and HITMVTM: Connected, The Part was Ended at Chapter 23)
???: Seems Hydro Make it....i'm gonna KILL HI-

???: Calm down, our invention is ready! ready to make Hydro suffer...

???: great....we will do this....if Hydro the end, he will never make it

???: are you sure my friend Hedgehog?
???: i am sure..he will die, because, i never lied....Hydro must suffer..
???: so what is our plan?

???: we will....

???: so what is our plan????: we will

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decide...when to kill hydro

???: ok pleasure...we will decide now

???: ok then....i will rot him....TO HELL!

Hydro In The Mitchells Vs The Machines(A TMvTM AU)Where stories live. Discover now