Chapter 2

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I'm lost. Completely and utterly lost. All I know is that I was walking home and made a few detours and now I'm..well I don't know where I am. A car pulls up next to me and the windows roll down to reveal a girl with a beautiful shade of green eyes and a lip ring and blue hair. "Hey are you okay, you look kinda lost." She chuckles.
"I kinda look lost because I am, don't ask why, don't ask how, because I don't even know myself." I reply. This causes her to laugh. "My name's Savannah, I've seen you around school before I think."
"I'm Stephanie"
"Do you want a ride?"
"Ya sure, thanks."
I got in the car and she began to drive when all of a sudden her phone gets a call. She answers and starts talking.
"What do you mean where am I?....Oh that was today?......Ashton calm down its okay I'll be over right away.....Love you too babe bye." And with that she hung up and looked at me.
"Do you mind hanging out with me and my friends for a little bit."
"Ya sure."
She turned right and went straight for like five minutes and parked the car. We walked inside to be greeted by the wonderful smell of pizza.
"Hey guys this is Stephanie, she goes to school with us..."
I awkwardly waved and they introduced themselves.
"I'm Luke" A tall boy with blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a lip ring said.
"Ashton" says a boy with brown curly hair and a pair of drumsticks in hand.
"I'm Calum and just so you know I'm not Asian." Says a very tanned boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes.
"I'm Michael." I look over to see a boy with silverish hair in a misfits sweatshirt and black jeans with rips at the knees,and the most beautiful green eyes ever.
Little did I know that this was the beginning of me getting caught.

The Bad Girls That Haven't Been CaughtHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin